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Editor of the Week
Sebastian M. Spitra

Sebastian M. Spitra is a Post-Doc Fellow at the Department for Legal and Constitutional History of the University of Vienna and a member of the Junge Akademie at the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz. His fields of research include the history of international law, postcolonial legal studies, cultural heritage law and global legal history.

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» Hamas states openly: “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones...«
M. B.
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» Amazing post, Tatjana! It certainly makes one think about the intricacies of accommodating the law of classification to current complex armed conflicts, especially when the ICC is intervening. There is...«
José Aznar
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» Thank you for the interesting interview! Especially positive is Germany's Strong Public Support for Israel Has Made the Country indeed the Main Target – but just for the authoritarian state...«
M. B.
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