Guidelines for Reviews

The Völkerrechtsblog welcomes and accepts proposals for book reviews and review proposals for other formats.

External Requests: We encourage external requests and format ideas for reviews.

  • As we are committed to further advance Open Access, we extent a special invitation for books which have been published Open Access to be reviewed on the blog, as well as to publishers to discuss collaborations that include making books available Open Access (fully/partially – permanently or temporarily).

  • Further, we aim to advance diversity of viewpoints on the blog and therefore invite requests which help us to realize this goal. This includes diversity in terms of gender, perspectives from the Global-South and review proposals from all academic fields with relation to international law and international legal theory or history, regardless of a certain career stage of the proposing person(s).

  • While we recognize that realizing these values will not always be fully possible, our decisions will be guided by these commitments. The final decision as to whether we invite a reviewer or publish a text/media on our website, however, always rests with Völkerrechtsblog. It is not possible to organize external reviews without the participation of members of the editorial team of Völkerrechtsblog.

Collaboration with Journals and Blogs: We encourage requests for collaboration with journals and other blogs. The responsible editorial member(s) of Völkerrechtsblog, however, always have the final decision whether a text/media is published on our website or not.

Conflict of Interests: In cases of conflicts of interest, the persons concerned may not act as organizers of the review and, as far as possible, should not be involved in the planning and realization process. However, in any case, the opportunity to provide a response to the review will be encouraged.

Ideas for New Formats: We are always happy to receive ideas for new review formats.

Please send your inquiry to:

Submit your Contribution
We welcome contributions on all topics relating to international law and international legal thought. Please take our Directions for Authors and/or Guidelines for Reviews into account.You can send us your text, or get in touch with a preliminary inquiry at:
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