Calls for Papers

Here you can find recent Calls for Papers. If you would like to publish your CfP, please get in touch via

Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities – Call for Abstracts

Deadline: 20/04/2025
The Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference revisits the questions of what qualifies as a human rights violation, who holds human rights duties and how to actually deliver human rights accountability in the context of pressing and complex challenges.  It will be hosted by the ...
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Navigating the North: Perspectives on Sustainable Development in the Arctic

Deadline: 15/03/2025
Theme of the Workshop The Arctic region has undergone rapid changes with far-reaching and profound consequences on many areas. One key driver for this is climate change, but others include technology development (e.g. deep-sea mining), migration, tourism, demographic changes, and changes in th...
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RRU Essay Writing Competition: Crimes against Humanity

Deadline: 31/03/2025
The RRU Centre for International Law invites submissions for its Essay Competition on the theme “UN International Law Commission Draft Articles on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity.” This competition aims to encourage critical thinking on Asian-African perspectives rega...
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NLIU-CRIL Article Writing Competition

Deadline: 10/03/2025
Submissions are invited for the NLIU-CRIL Article Writing Competition. Register by March 10, 2025! The Centre for Research in International Law is organizing an Article Writing Competition (“Competition”), an initiative aimed at promoting academic excellence and research on pressing global iss...
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CfP – Beyond Development: Mapping Legal Entanglements between Africa and Europe

Deadline: 28/02/2025
Call for Papers “Beyond Development: Mapping Legal Entanglements between Africa and Europe” 4 – 5 December 2025 Juridicum, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna The Department of Legal and Constitutional History and the African Law Association jointly invite scholars to participate in the int...
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Dutch Practice in International Law – NYIL

Deadline: 28/02/2025
Call for Papers ‘Dutch Practice in International Law’ Section Netherlands Yearbook of International Law Volume 55 (2024) Volume Editors: Lianne Boer, Daniëlla Dam-de Jong, Carl Lewis The Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (NYIL) is inviting submissions for its 'Dutch Practice in Intern...
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Call for Abstracts – Exploring the Autonomy of Cities

Deadline: 01/03/2025
Call for Abstracts: Workshop on “Exploring the Autonomy of Cities: Philosophical, Legal, and Policy Dimensions” Organized by: Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger (AUP), Nefeli Lefkopoulou (Sciences Po Paris), Marc Goetzmann (Université de Tours). Cities have long served as centers of economic activity, cult...
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Call for Abstracts – 65. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht

Deadline: 28/02/2025
Funktion und Funktionalität des Rechts  Globale und regionale Krisen, soziale und (geo)politische Spannungen, der sich verschärfende Klimawandel und disruptive technologische Entwicklungen fordern das Recht heraus: Angesichts multipler Krisen wird das Recht nicht nur als eine Rahmenordnung b...
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Call for Abstracts – Migration Law in Times of Polarization

Deadline: 16/03/2025
Work-In-Progress-Workshop | “Migration Law in Times of Polarization” 30 June 2025 We are pleased to invite all interested scholars from migration law and related fields to submit a short abstract to the Work-In-Progress-Workshop that will take place at the University of Vienna on 30 June 202...
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Austrian Review of International and European Law – Call for Papers

Deadline: 31/03/2025
The Austrian Review of International and European Law (ARIEL) has issued a Call for Papers and invites interested persons to submit contributions for volume 29 (2024) of the ARIEL. This issue would like to focus on (legal) questions arising in connection with advisory opinions issued by internati...
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Student Committee for Constitutional Law and Human Rights | Call for Blogs

Deadline: 31/03/2025
About the Blog:  The SCLHR Blog is a peer-reviewed and open-access blog maintained by the Student Committee for Constitutional Law and Human Rights. We at SCLHR seek to provide a platform that promotes and sustains informed discussion and dialogue on emerging issues in Constitutional Law and H...
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Security, Digital Infrastructure & Fundamental Rights Workshop

Deadline: 10/02/2025
Security, Digital Infrastructure & Fundamental Rights Workshop Call for Papers Deadline for Abstract Submissions: 10 February 2025 The Erasmus Center of Law and Digitalization (Erasmus School of Law) and the Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) invite submissions...
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Trends in Intellectual Property Research

Deadline: rolling basis
Trends in Intellectual Property Research (DOI: Prefix: 10.69971; ISSN: 3007-8539 [Online], 3007-8520 [Print]) invites research papers, review papers and case comments in all domains of intellectual property (IP) law. This includes, but is not limited to, topics related to patents, copyrights, tra...
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Legal Research & Analysis

Deadline: rolling basis
Legal Research & Analysis (DOI Prefix: 10.69971; ISSN: 3007-6455 [Online], 3007-6447 [Print]) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to multidimensional legal research. The journal provides a platform for cross-country comparative legal research, interdisciplinary approaches, and conn...
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Call for Abstracts – World Comparative Law Special Issue: The City as a Contested Space: Constitutional Law Perspectives on Urban Housing Disputes

Deadline: 15/03/2025
World Comparative Law is calling for abstracts for the upcoming special issue: The City as a Contested Space: Constitutional Law Perspectives on Urban Housing Disputes (Guest editors: Katharina König and Timo Laven) In cities around the world, housing crises have become a defining feature of t...
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Saar Case Notes – Ihr Beitrag zur aktuellen Rechtsprechung | Call for Participation

Haben Sie Interesse, kurze Beiträge von maximal 1.250 Wörtern zu aktuellen Urteilen mit europa- oder völkerrechtlichem Bezug zu verfassen? Dann ist unsere neue Beitragskategorie Saar Case Notes genau das Richtige für Sie. Wir suchen laufend Beiträge, die eine kurze Einordnung und Bewertung aktuel...
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Call for Paper – GoJIL’s Student Essay Competition 2025

Deadline: 28/02/2025
The Goettingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL) is dedicating its 12th Student Essay Competition to the topic “The UN Mechanisms in Times of Global Crisis”. GoJIL is a student-led academic law journal focused on International Law. We seek to foster debate among scholars and students of Int...
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Jean Monnet Saar

Deadline: No deadline, rolling basis
Our team invites interested persons to contribute scholarly articles in English or German to our blog Jean Monnet Saar (https://jean-monnet- Jean Monnet Saar is an academic blog run for over ten years by Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich, LL.M. (Univ. of Virginia), ...
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NUP Jean Monnet Working Papers

Deadline: No deadline (rolling basis)
The Jean Monnet Chair of the Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus), with the support and funding of the European Union, welcomes contributions by young and senior scholars for the online publication series "NUP Jean Monnet Working Papers" We accept manuscripts on topics related to economic crime,...
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Chinese Journal of Transnational Law

Deadline: No deadline (rolling basis)
The Wuhan University Institute of International Law, in partnership with the leading global research provider, SAGE, is delighted to announce the launch of its new journal: "The Chinese Journal of Transnational Law". The Chinese Journal of Transnational Law (CJTL) is a double-blind peer-review...
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Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law

Deadline: No deadline
The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law is looking for authors! The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, edited by Prof. Dr. Rainer Grote, Dr. Frauke Lachenmann and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rüdiger Wolfrum, is inviting submissions on a closed list of topic...
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Jindal Forum for Space Law

Deadline: No deadline (rolling basis)
About JFSL The Jindal Forum for Space Law envisages to foster an interest in space law, along with alumni, faculty and professionals in space law and related fields. We wish to generate discourse and awareness about Space Law issues at both the national and international level. Our aim is to cre...
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Blog Writing Series on International Humanitarian Law

Deadline: Rolling submission, no deadline
About the University Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act, (Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006). The University has been ranked among the top 10 law schools in India...
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