
Dear Readers,

Völkerrechtsblog firmly stands on its founding values of Open Knowledge and Open Access. We want everyone to be able to learn about and engage with international law and legal thought , regardless of membership in institutions with well-stocked (online) libraries or personal financial situation.

All parts of the blog are and will remain free.

Running the blog, of course, is not cheap: though our editors are volunteers and are not remunerated, we have other sources of financial burden, such as the technical upkeep of the site and the infrastructure for our editorial team meetings. Ideally, we would like to be able to employ more student assistants to improve the blog’s running.

We would therefore like to ask for your help.

As of 2023, the blog is recognized by German authorities as a non-profit association (Völkerrechtsblog e.V., Registry of the District Court of Charlottenburg, Berlin, Registry Number VR 40019 B). This makes it easier for us to accept donations, and will hopefully reassure potential donors that their support will actually be used to further the blog’s goals.

To this end, we would like to ask those among are readers that can give something to do so to ensure that the blog can continue operating for those that can’t. This is explicitly not a subscription model to continue using the blog! There will be no “Völkerrechtsblog +” for paying members. We ask that anyone that can give as much or as little as they wish, at regular intervals or as a one-time donation. Please find our PayPal donation button below.

Thank you very much.

King regards,

The Editorial Team


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We welcome contributions on all topics relating to international law and international legal thought. Please take our Directions for Authors and/or Guidelines for Reviews into account.You can send us your text, or get in touch with a preliminary inquiry at:
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