Editorial #38: Entering the New Academic Year Anew
Anna Sophia Tiedeke
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
Leopold Raab
As a brat summer is slowly giving its spot to a very demure fall and as our mid-year break has officially ended, we are writing to welcome you back to...
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What #Ö Read during the Mid-Year Break (Part II)
Hendrik Simon
Alicja Polakiewicz
Khaled El Mahmoud
Welcome to Part II of What #Ö Read during the Mid-Year Break (read Part I here). Reading KafKant at the End of “the End of History” (or Summer) Immanuel...
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What #Ö Read during the Mid-Year Break (Part I)
Polina Kulish
Cathérine Van de Graaf
Fatima Mehmood
Finding inspiration (under the sun) This year, we decided to document some of our readings during the mid-year break and share it on the blog. Although the places where our...
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Editorial #37: All Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal than Others
A notable milestone in the annals of international criminal law is the anniversary of the Rome Statute, adopted on 17 July 1998, which constituted the most significant legal institution in...
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Editorial #36: On the Failure of International Law and Paying the Price of Queer Joy
Personally, I look forward to this summer’s Pride celebrations with distinctly muted excitement, and the first parades I have been to this year have left, at best, a stale taste...
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Editorial #35: Eastern European Summer Time
At the risk of sounding as if I am fetishising the European East by likening it to the Berlin of the 1990s, let me say that visiting Vilnius earlier this...
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Call for reflectiÖns on “Ordering and Disordering”
Sué González Hauck
Anna Sophia Tiedeke
„For me now, what I’m realizing is I’m done trying to treat people as if they’re finished beings. Because we’re all unfinished basically, we’re all unravelling. So it's very unfair...
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Call for Papers: Women in International Law Vol. 3
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
Völkerrechtsblog welcomes blog post proposals for its upcoming symposium ‘Women in International Law Vol. 3’. The ‘Women in International Law’ symposium is an online symposium held annually (in March) and...
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Editorial #34: The Audacity of #HÖpe
Isabel Lischewski
Daniela Rau
On the grand scale of humanity, a good thing you could say about 2023 is that it is over – if only that meant that there were realistic hopes of...
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Editorial #33: From a Proximate Ending to New Beginnings
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
As the end of the calendar year is approaching, a new beginning at our blog has been marked. Since last Friday, our team has officially grown much bigger, and 12...
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Call for reflectiÖns on “Ordering and Disordering”
Sué González Hauck
Anna Sophia Tiedeke
"For me now, what I’m realizing is I’m done trying to treat people as if they’re finished beings. Because we’re all unfinished basically, we’re all unravelling. So it's very unfair...
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Editorial #32: Inviting You to the Infinite Mirror of Reflections
Appreciating the (sometimes) necessary moment of pausing, hesitating, and dwelling in reflection, staying open to revisiting an argument and allowing oneself to look at a problem from different angles has...
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Editorial #31: To A Smooth Restart!
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
As we are getting used to (editorial) life after our post mid-year break, we thought of catching up and sharing the news of what’s to come. The Völkerrechtsblog kicked off...
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Editorial #30: Pause for a Moment
Summer is in full swing (at least in the northern hemisphere), offices are closed, and life seems to move at a slower pace. We can use this occasion to pause...
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Editorial #29: Category Is… Respectability Politics?
As a recovering theater kid now cast in the part of Early Career Scholar teaching international law, there is something about the lecture stand that is comfortably and painfully familiar....
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Editorial #28: Driving with the Re(ar)view Mirror
Peer review in scientific publishing is in crisis. It may have been for a while. Typically discussed under the header of the peer review crisis are quality, speed, and availability...
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Editorial #27: On Spring Fever and the Return of Colour
As the temperatures here in the mid-latitudes start to get milder, the days grow longer and the first spring flowers cautiously poke their heads out of the ground, our colourful...
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Editorial #26: Springing into March
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
March has already been a rather busy month on the blog, and as the second annual ‘Women in International Law’ symposium took over last week, you are only hearing from...
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Editorial #25: No More Lofty Promises
The new year has just begun, and one ends up wondering if 2023 will be any different than the previous years. The world continues to be in a crisis mode:...
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Editorial #24: Blogging, Fast and Slow
Isabel Lischewski
Daniela Rau
Time flies when you’re having fun – and also, it would seem, when you’re watching world events unfold on your device screen, struggling to keep up with the break-neck speed...
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The Role of Blogs
International law is, by definition, a global discipline. Yet in practice, scholarly discourse often remains hampered by the borders of national publishing cultures and fora. The voices that are most...
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Open Educational Resources, Digitalization and Education in International Law
International law is, by definition, a global discipline. Yet in practice, scholarly discourse often remains hampered by the borders of national publishing cultures and fora. The voices that are most...
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Publishing Infrastructure and the Internationalization of International Law
International law is, by definition, a global discipline. Yet in practice, scholarly discourse often remains hampered by the borders of national publishing cultures and fora. The voices that are most...
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Conference: Opening Access, Closing the Knowledge Gap?
The internet with its unprecedented communicative potential offers a unique chance to make international legal scholarship more inclusive, participatory – and simply more international. The COVID-19 pandemic further increased the...
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Editorial #23: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
In academia, we are often pressured to present everything about our research as original, to the degree of over-exaggerating the contribution it will make to scholarship. Of course, when you...
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Editorial #22: On Finding Inspiration
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
Inspiration must be very desirable for artists. The relieving advent of inspiration following the anguishing search thereof has been praised in valuable artworks of various forms (see for example Homer’s...
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Editorial #21: On the Excitement of New Beginnings
October marks the beginning of the new semester at German universities. At least in smaller cities like mine in Erfurt, you can feel the squares quickly become more crowded again...
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Editorial #20: Wake Me Up When Academic Hustle Culture Ends
For anyone deep in a love affair with academia, the month of September contains a special promise – that is, in addition to that of some relief for those who,...
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Editorial #19: Taking Time
As in the months before, Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine has continued to play a central role in the contributions to Völkerrechtsblog. The interview with Alain Pellet, in which...
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Editorial #18: On the Summer of Our Discontent
It has been a long, long spring, and by now we have all learned to not count on a “Sommerloch” to allow us to catch our collective breath. Yet, while...
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Editorial #17: On Ukraine and Genocide
Polina Kulish
Dana Schmalz
It is May, the war in Ukraine has been going on for over two months, and there are fears that the Russian aggression might spread further into Moldova. April is...
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Editorial #16: On Academic Boycotts
Raffaela Kunz
Cathérine Van de Graaf
This last month, like everywhere else, there was one all-dominating topic on the blog: Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. As an international law blog, we felt an urgent need to...
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Editorial #15: On “Weltschmerz” and the Fight against Impunity
The world is in crisis. These are maybe not the most encouraging words to start an editorial post with, but sometimes the overall feeling of exhaustion and utter disbelief in...
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Спеціальний випуск: Україна
Сьогодні похмурий день для міжнародного права, для міжнародного миру і безпеки, і для всіх, хто вірить у заснований на нормах глобальний порядок. Ми всі усвідомлюємо, що міжнародне право не є...
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Специальный выпуск: Украина
Сегодня мрачный день для международного права, для мира в мире и его безопасности, а также для всех, кто верит в основанный на нормах глобальный порядок. Мы все знаем, что международное...
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Special Editorial: On Ukraine
Today is a grim day for international law, for international peace and security, and for everyone believing in a norm-based global order. We are all aware that international law is...
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Editorial #14: 2022 – Another Groundhog Year?
The beginning of 2022 reminds us of the US-American comedy ‘Groundhog Day’ in which Phil Connors (played by Bill Murray) is caught in a time loop and is forced to...
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Call for Papers: Opening Access, Closing the Knowledge Gap?
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Justine Batura
Raphael Oidtmann
International law is, by definition, a global discipline. Yet in practice, scholarly discourse often remains hampered by the borders of national publishing cultures and fora. The voices that are most...
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Editorial #13: Beyond the Written Word
Raffaela Kunz
Daniela Rau
It is this time of the year again – as always in the past years, we would like to begin the new year on Völkerrechtsblog looking back on the previous...
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Editorial #12: Sinterklaas and Something to Look Forward To
Finally, the most wonderful month of the year is here! For many among us, the start of December is a reminder of the long list of tasks we still want...
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Editorial #11: Here is to Blogposts, Editors and Authors! Cheers!
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
Meike Krakau
Cathérine Van de Graaf
Journal articles are okay but blogposts go all the way! The road to publication of journal articles (let’s not even dwell on the process for books) is often paved with...
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Editorial #10: On Equal Access to the International Legal Profession
The interns' room at Palais Wilson, hosting most of the UN's human rights activities, is a pleasant room with a gorgeous view of Lake Geneva. In contrast, the entry door...
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Editorial #9: On Changes, New Beginnings and Continuities
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Philipp Eschenhagen
A new academic year is about to start in many jurisdictions around the globe. Völkerrechtsblog is back after the summer break in Europe with some important personal news: We are...
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Editorial #8: On Space
This month, Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Mark and Oliver Daeman travelled past the Karman Line for ten minutes of outer space orbit. The New Shepard’s flight on July 21,...
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Editorial #7: On Reviews
After James Crawford’s first book, The Creation of States in International Law, his revised doctoral dissertation, was published in 1979, the reviews were split. Colin Warbrick in International Affairs enthusiastically...
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Doppelt zitierfähig
Evin Dalkilic
Maximilian Steinbeis
Raffaela Kunz
Erik Tuchtfeld
Christian Mathieu
Kathleen Neumann
Sebastian Hofmann
Spätestens mit ihrer Erwähnung in den Fußnotenapparaten von Kommentaren, Handbüchern und höchstgerichtlichen Urteilen haben sich Wissenschaftsblogs als fester Bestandteil des juristischen Publikationssystems etabliert. Das Fach zeigt sich dennoch nach wie...
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Editorial #6: On Silence
As so frequently in the past, the world had its eyes turned towards the Middle East where the worst fighting in years erupted between Israelis and Palestinians in May 2021....
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International, abwechslungsreich, politisch?
„Du studierst Völkerrecht? – Wirst du Diplomat*in?“ – so (oder so ähnlich) könnte man sich als aufstrebende*r Jurist*in im Schwerpunktstudium den Beginn einer Unterhaltung mit (fachfremden) Kommiliton*innen vorstellen. Auch wenn...
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Editorial #5: On Planet Earth and Beyond
In our last editorial, my colleagues have reflected upon some recent evolutions on the Völkerrechtsblog, such as the diversification of our communication methods and the increased publishing pace. While not...
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An Ever-Faster Blog?
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
A year ago, the world stood still. Germany – like most European countries – had just entered its first Corona-lockdown. We all went through many different phases since, and this...
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Editorial #3 – International crime, Earth and theory
Calendars blessed us with a square-shaped February 2021 – the month began on a Monday, the 1st of February, and ended on Sunday, 28th of February. All four weeks aligned...
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Editorial #2 – New beginnings
Is it a stretch to say that 2021 has started with a lot of hope? A severe pandemic is still ongoing. Without proper political action, it will continue to increase...
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Looking back on a special year
Following what has become a tradition, we start the new year on the blog with a little overview of the most read articles of the last year. While usually, this...
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A blog with more than just articles
A blog like ours primarily lives off interesting articles. Ideally, our posts offer new perspectives or critiques, cover current developments or excavate neglected discourses. Behind these articles stand knowledgeable and...
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Introducing Völkerrechtsblog 3.0
Raffaela Kunz
Christian Pogies
Erik Tuchtfeld
Welcome to Völkerrechtsblog 3.0! We are very happy to introduce you to our completely redesigned and modernized website. Six years into its existence, Völkerrechtsblog receives a new logo and design...
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Most-read posts in 2019 and other insights from our backend
After a little break, we start 2020 with an overview of the 15 most-read posts in 2019 and some other interesting numbers from our statistics. What is striking is that...
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Help us to improve Völkerrechtsblog!
Ever wanted to give us some feedback? This is your chance! Völkerrechtsblog will get a new website, and before we start the reform process we would like to hear your...
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Das Team stellt sich vor / Introducing our team
Wer steht eigentlich hinter dem Völkerrechtsblog? Anlässlich unseres 5-jährigen Bestehens möchten wir uns vorstellen - und erklären, was uns an der Blogarbeit begeistert. In den nächsten Monaten wird unser Team...
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Happy Birthday, Völkerrechtsblog!
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
Today exactly five years ago, our first post went online. To celebrate a birthday with a blog means to celebrate what fills the blog with life: its articles, its authors,...
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New Collaboration between Völkerrechtsblog and Ruhr University Bochum’s Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV)
From 2019 onwards, Völkerrechtsblog is regularly publishing Bofaxe: academic snapshots of up-to-the minute news in international law as produced by international law researchers at the Ruhr University Bochum’s Institute for International...
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Funding Völkerrechtsblog
Michael Riegner
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
Since its inception in 2014, Völkerrechtsblog has been run by dedicated volunteers who spent countless hours of their spare time, and sometimes even their own money, on the blog. As...
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Völkerrecht 2.0 – es ist angerichtet
Michael Riegner
Dana Schmalz
Dana Schmalz und Michael Riegner (für die Redaktion des Völkerrechtsblogs) Hier ist er, der neue Völkerrechtsblog. Noch erinnert er an den Blick auf einen gedeckten Tisch in Erwartung einer großen...
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