- Symposium
- reflectiÖns on Dis:Order in International Law
Palestine, Israel and the (Dis)ordering of International Law
juris:generative Maya Youssef, Breakthrough Classic FM session Michelle Staggs Kelsall on Dis:Order (mehr …)
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Apartheid in Palästina?
Ein Buch über die Frage, ob es Apartheid in Palästina gibt, scheint in der Zeit, in der der durch den Angriff der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 ausgelöste furchtbare Krieg...
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War against Women
The Orders of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the Israeli military operation in Gaza have been widely discussed from numerous perspectives (see here, here, and here). However, the...
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Krieg gegen Frauen
Die Beschlüsse des Internationalen Gerichtshofs (IGH) zur israelischen Militäroperation in Gaza sind inzwischen aus zahlreichen Perspektiven diskutiert worden (siehe etwa hier, hier und hier). Wenig Beachtung hat dabei jedoch ein...
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“Pax Falastini”
Since the conception of the Zionist state in Herzl’s utopia, the relationship between Israel and Palestine has been the thermometer of global politics: Early socialist experiments, 19th century state-building fantasies,...
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Statehood in Motion?
As of recently the vast majority of states recognizes Palestine as one of them. With 143 votes in favor the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution ES-10/23 on 10 May 2024....
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A Tale of Two Conflicts
On the morning of 20 May 2024, a legal earthquake sent its shockwaves through the world: The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) officially announced that it...
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Expanding the Limits of Genocidal Intent
Traversing the labyrinthine corridors of the Peace Palace, we confront the question of the elusive nature of genocidal intent in the case of South Africa v. Israel. Genocide, just like...
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Crossfire Commerce
The ongoing conflict in Gaza has drawn in numerous foreign actors and impacted trade, leading to proposed trade sanctions against parties like Israel (such as Turkey’s trade ban), Iran, and...
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- Symposium
- ReflectiÖns on 200 Years of the Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine in an Age of Anti-Interventionism
How have the premises and ambiguities of the Monroe Doctrine been reflected in American debates about military intervention abroad, and how did they re-appear (if at all) in current debates...
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Die deutsche Staatsräson auf dem Prüfstand – Deutschland vor dem IGH
Andreas von Arnauld
Gundula Maxwill
Lilo Bärbel Rösch
Am 1. März 2024 hat Nicaragua beim Internationalen Gerichtshof (IGH) eine Klage gegen Deutschland eingereicht. Die Vorwürfe wiegen schwer: Deutschland verstoße durch seine Unterstützung Israels in Bezug auf den Krieg...
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To Cide or Not to Cide – Ecocide, What Have You Started?
The destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza since October 2023 has recently been described as being at an "unprecedented level" (UNCTAD Report, p. 9). According to the Guardian, 70% of...
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Settler Violence Through the Lens of State Responsibility
Since 7 October 2023, public attention partially shifted away from the situation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. However, UNRWA has released alarming numbers: 444 civilians have been killed...
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Technical International Law
There seems to be a mismatch. The horror in Gaza. The composure in The Hague. Civilians raped and killed or abducted by Hamas, Palestinian women and girls arbitrarily executed or...
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Votes, Vetoes, and Vested Interests
The International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) advisory proceedings regarding the Legal Consequences Arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem have featured...
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“Germany’s Strong Public Support for Israel Has Made the Country the Main Target”
Stefan Talmon
Julian A. Hettihewa
On 1 March 2024, the Republic of Nicaragua instituted proceedings against the Federal Republic of Germany before the International Court of Justice. The core allegation: With its support for Israel,...
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Echoes of Nakba
On the 12th of October, Israel issued a military order for the residents of northern and central Gaza, encompassing a population of 1.1 million Gazans, to make their way to...
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Indignity Trending
Hamas’ assault on Israel on October 7, 2023, and Israel’s scorched-earth response in Gaza, has captivated global audiences for over three months. The staggering loss of life and the brazen...
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- Media
- Völkerrechtspodcast
#32 Kriegsvölkerrecht: Gaza
Philipp Eschenhagen
Erik Tuchtfeld
Isabel Lischewski
Wir schauen auf den Krieg in und um Gaza. Im Interview ordnet Stefan Talmon die Kampfhandlungen der Hamas und Israels aus Perspektive des ius ad bellum und des ius...
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Teaching International Law in the Middle East
The first day of this semester happens to be October 8th – a difficult day to start a course on international law, I think to myself, fearing Israel’s response as...
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Israel and Gaza in the Heat of the Moment
On 7 October 2023, Hamas militants staged an unprecedented attack on Israel, indiscriminately launching thousands of rockets from Gaza into Israel, rampaging through villages and a music festival site, and...
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Palestine – Israel: Context Matters!
The horrific attacks against Israel by Hamas on 7.10.2023, killing 1,300 Israelis and kidnapping 199 Israeli and foreign hostages into Gaza, raises the question: how did we get here? This...
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Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Nahostkonflikt: Eine völkerrechtliche Einordnung
Der wiederaufgeflammte Nahostkonflikt mit zahlreichen Toten und einer drohenden Eskalation wirft zahlreiche völkerrechtliche Fragen auf. Prof. Dr. Andreas von Arnauld wird im Rahmen einer Sondereinheit der Völkerrechtlichen Tagesthemen die Situation...
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