When Does the Obligation to Comply with Provisional Measures End?
In the pending case of Allegations of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation) before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the question arises as to the effect of the ICJ’s partial...
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A Complex Relationship
In Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany), Nicaragua took Germany to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for alleged violations...
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Tribunals, Treaties, and Turning Back Time
In December 2023, Venezuelan voters were asked their opinion on questions regarding the Essequibo region and whether the territory, today part of Guyana, should be turned into a new Venezuelan...
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War against Women
The Orders of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the Israeli military operation in Gaza have been widely discussed from numerous perspectives (see here, here, and here). However, the...
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Krieg gegen Frauen
Die Beschlüsse des Internationalen Gerichtshofs (IGH) zur israelischen Militäroperation in Gaza sind inzwischen aus zahlreichen Perspektiven diskutiert worden (siehe etwa hier, hier und hier). Wenig Beachtung hat dabei jedoch ein...
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Nicaragua’s Suit against Germany May Be Good as Gold (Part II)
In Part I of this blog piece, it was explained that Nicaragua is suing Germany over Germany’s shipment of armaments to Israel. Part I recounted that Germany seeks dismissal of...
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Nicaragua’s Suit against Germany May Be Good as Gold (Part I)
This two-part piece analyzes the legal viability of Nicaragua’s suit against Germany in the International Court of Justice over shipment of armaments from Germany to Israel. Nicaragua claims that those...
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Reinventing an ‘Unfortunate Invention’
Kusha Grover
Akaanksha Singh
‘It appears that each one feels free to interpret so-called “plausibility” of rights in the way one feels like; this may be due to the fact that the Court’s majority...
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Mexico v Ecuador/Ecuador v Mexico: With Diplomatic Asylum Back before the ICJ, Can Legal Certainty on This Divisive Issue Finally Be Won?
On the evening of 5th April 2024, Ecuadorian police forcibly entered the Mexican embassy in Quito and arrested Jorge Glas, former Vice-President of Ecuador (2013-2017), who had entered the embassy...
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Expanding the Limits of Genocidal Intent
Traversing the labyrinthine corridors of the Peace Palace, we confront the question of the elusive nature of genocidal intent in the case of South Africa v. Israel. Genocide, just like...
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Yet to Be Deployed?
It was with a single remark that the Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua concluded the German reservation had “no application” (para. 23) in the proceedings instituted on 1 March...
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Die deutsche Staatsräson auf dem Prüfstand – Deutschland vor dem IGH
Andreas von Arnauld
Gundula Maxwill
Lilo Bärbel Rösch
Am 1. März 2024 hat Nicaragua beim Internationalen Gerichtshof (IGH) eine Klage gegen Deutschland eingereicht. Die Vorwürfe wiegen schwer: Deutschland verstoße durch seine Unterstützung Israels in Bezug auf den Krieg...
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Technical International Law
There seems to be a mismatch. The horror in Gaza. The composure in The Hague. Civilians raped and killed or abducted by Hamas, Palestinian women and girls arbitrarily executed or...
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Votes, Vetoes, and Vested Interests
The International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) advisory proceedings regarding the Legal Consequences Arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem have featured...
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“Germany’s Strong Public Support for Israel Has Made the Country the Main Target”
Stefan Talmon
Julian A. Hettihewa
On 1 March 2024, the Republic of Nicaragua instituted proceedings against the Federal Republic of Germany before the International Court of Justice. The core allegation: With its support for Israel,...
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Telling Stories at the International Court of Justice
The provisional measures hearings in South Africa v. Israel, held on 11 and 12 January 2024, were watched by an audience in the tens of thousands. The Hindustan Times feed...
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An Inclusive International Court of Justice
On the 24th of October, the Information Department of the International Court of Justice (‘ICJ’ or ‘the Court’) published a press release, announcing that the Court had amended its Rules,...
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Bridging Jurisprudence and Ecology
Earlier this year, the United Nations General Assembly filed a request for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice following the adoption resolution on 29 March. The request...
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Certain Iranian (Frozen) Assets
Mit seinem jüngsten Urteil im Streit zwischen dem Iran und den USA hat der Internationale Gerichtshof (IGH) dem Iran unter Heranziehung einer widersprüchlichen Maßstabsbildung den Zugang zu eingefrorenen Zentralbank-Vermögen versperrt....
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When Silence Is Not Golden but Puzzling
Tillmann Lindner
Giacomo Romis
On 22 July 2022 the ICJ issued its judgment regarding the preliminary objections raised by Myanmar in the case of the Application of the Genocide Convention on the Prevention and...
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How “Attack on Titan” Complicates the Genocide Convention
Abhijeet Shrivastava
Anujay Shrivastava
There has been recent traction towards the idea that pop culture is relevant to the “study, practice, and teaching of international law”. Many scholars acknowledge that it is important to...
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Less a Wave Than a Tsunami
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) faces an unprecedented procedural situation in the Ukraine v. Russia case, as a result of the never-before-seen number of states intervening in the case...
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The ICJ’s Only Friend in Ukraine v. Russia
On 18 August 2022, the International Court of Justice (‘ICJ’ or ‘the Court’) issued a press statement announcing that the European Union (‘EU’ or the ‘Union’) had furnished the Court...
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In Remembrance of Professor Cançado Trindade
Saudade is a special word in Portuguese. It can convey, all at once, deep nostalgia, the sadness of departures, and the joy and gratitude for memories of good times. May our...
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