Rest in Peace, Schengen!
“We will therefore extend our temporary internal border controls to all German land borders”. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser announced that − after years of controls at the...
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Germany’s Abortion Regulation: A Relic of the Past?
As countries around the world make strides in securing abortion rights, Germany's abortion law remains a relic of the past. Is it time to abolish these outdated regulations and to...
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Closing Channels
Sué González Hauck
Isabel Lischewski
In this piece, we offer some reflections on our time as Editors-in-Chief at Völkerrechtsblog. In doing so, we do not speak for the blog as a whole, but also not...
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Closure of Protection Gaps?
Livia Benschu
Alexandra Lily Kather
On Thursday, June 6, 2024, the German Parliament adopted the Federal Government's draft bill on the further development of international criminal law as amended by the Committee on Legal Affairs....
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Hello, Can You Hear Me?
In March, the former Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (“the Commissioner”), Dunja Mijatović, published a report, following up on her visit to Germany in November 2023, where she...
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Nicaragua’s Suit against Germany May Be Good as Gold (Part II)
In Part I of this blog piece, it was explained that Nicaragua is suing Germany over Germany’s shipment of armaments to Israel. Part I recounted that Germany seeks dismissal of...
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Nicaragua’s Suit against Germany May Be Good as Gold (Part I)
This two-part piece analyzes the legal viability of Nicaragua’s suit against Germany in the International Court of Justice over shipment of armaments from Germany to Israel. Nicaragua claims that those...
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Yet to Be Deployed?
It was with a single remark that the Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua concluded the German reservation had “no application” (para. 23) in the proceedings instituted on 1 March...
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Die deutsche Staatsräson auf dem Prüfstand – Deutschland vor dem IGH
Andreas von Arnauld
Gundula Maxwill
Lilo Bärbel Rösch
Am 1. März 2024 hat Nicaragua beim Internationalen Gerichtshof (IGH) eine Klage gegen Deutschland eingereicht. Die Vorwürfe wiegen schwer: Deutschland verstoße durch seine Unterstützung Israels in Bezug auf den Krieg...
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- Symposium
- Blögiversary: Celebrating Ten Years of Völkerrechtsblog
Revisiting a Rejoinder on past Wrongs
As the Völkerrechtsblog turns ten, I have the pleasure of revisiting an old blog post, asking myself how it has aged, what has changed since and how the post came...
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Technical International Law
There seems to be a mismatch. The horror in Gaza. The composure in The Hague. Civilians raped and killed or abducted by Hamas, Palestinian women and girls arbitrarily executed or...
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“Germany’s Strong Public Support for Israel Has Made the Country the Main Target”
Stefan Talmon
Julian A. Hettihewa
On 1 March 2024, the Republic of Nicaragua instituted proceedings against the Federal Republic of Germany before the International Court of Justice. The core allegation: With its support for Israel,...
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- Symposium
- Women in International Law Vol. 3
Supply Chain Laws and Women’s Rights
Supply Chain Laws are at the center of the debate considering business and human rights, especially after the enactment of such laws by France and Germany and the discussions developed...
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Progress or Patchwork?
Germany has received widespread acclaim for its domestic implementation of international criminal law (ICL) in the German Code on Crimes against International Law (Völkerstrafgesetzbuch) and for completing multiple universal jurisdiction...
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Fortschritt oder Flickwerk?
In Hinblick auf die kommunikative Offenheit der Verfahren hat die deutsche Strafjustiz die avisierte „Vorreiterrolle“ bei der Verfolgung von Völkerrechtsverbrechen bisher nicht einnehmen können. Anders als in anderen europäischen Staaten,...
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First Trial for Crimes Against Humanity in The Gambia Comes to an End
Susann Aboueldahab
Inês Freixo
Rodolfo González Espinosa
On 30 November 2023, the first trial worldwide to address crimes against humanity committed in The Gambia during the ruling of former president Yahya Jammeh (1994 to 2016) came to...
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Drowning in Negligence
Vanessa Bliecke
Carla Borck
In July 2021, Germany faced a critical test of its implementation of Article 11 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), specifically focusing on the protection...
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Wann wird das Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz erwachsen?
Kajo Kramp
Moritz Drescher
Mette Steffen
Laura Valdivia
Das Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz (AsylbLG) ist, nach den inhaltlich falschen – und zu Recht stark kritisierten – Äußerungen von Friedrich Merz zur medizinischen Versorgung von Asylbewerber:innen, pünktlich zu seinem Geburtstag ins Zentrum...
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The German Federal Court of Justice’s (Mis-) Use of Effet Utile to Override International Law in Mainstream v. Germany: Shaking the Foundations of the ICSID Convention?
This episode of the Völkerrechtliche Tagesthemen focuses on the jurisdiction of the German Federal Court of Justice (FCJ). On 27 July 2023, the FCJ affirmed its jurisdiction to rule on...
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Philipp Glahé
Alexandra Kemmerer
Science often begins with a coincidence. Or more precisely: a moment of serendipity, that happy opportunity that enables and produces knowledge in the seemingly unintentional coincidence of constellation and event....
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Kein Geld für die Taliban
Am vergangenen Montag, wohl kaum zufällig am 11. September, forderte ein Minister der Taliban-Regierung in einem Interview mit der NZZ Reparationszahlungen von Deutschland und kündigte an, Deutschland und weitere Bündnispartner...
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Islamic State, Women, and Their Role as Perpetrators in International Criminal Law
In June 2023, the Koblenz Higher Regional Court handed down one of the most significant sentences to female Islamic State (ISIS) returnees. The verdict against Nadine K. included charges for...
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Islamischer Staat, Frauen und ihre Täterinnenrolle im Völkerstrafrecht
Das OLG Koblenz verurteilte die Rückkehrerin aus dem Islamischen Staat (IS) Nadine K. im Juni 2023 u.a. wegen der mitgliedschaftlichen Beteiligung an einer terroristischen Vereinigung, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit durch...
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- Symposium
- Racial Profiling in Germany
Human Rights Standards for Accountability and Effective Remedies
In Germany, for a long time, racial profiling was regarded as a problem that exists in other countries. However, in recent years more victims of racial discrimination have brought cases...
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- Symposium
- Racial Profiling in Germany
Racial Profiling in Germany
In Basu v. Germany, an international body reminded Germany once again of its less-than-perfect human rights record regarding racial discrimination. In this case, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)...
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Dead Fish in the River Oder
A gigantic ecological catastrophe is unfolding in Central Europe: Thousands of dead fish were found in the river Oder since the end of July, now amounting to more than 100...
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