- Symposium
- Blögiversary: Celebrating Ten Years of Völkerrechtsblog
Völkerrechtsblog at 10 Years
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Saying that Völkerrechtsblog is a remarkable success story is not an empty phrase we utter on its 10th anniversary. Looking at the blog today, it is hard to believe that...
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Opening the World of International Law Education
Raffaela Kunz
Max Milas
Sué González Hauck
Yota Negishi
Miharu Hirano
Earlier this month, the book Public International Law: A Multi-Perspective Approach was published. It is the first-ever openly accessible and collectively written textbook from different perspectives with digital pedagogical materials....
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Editorial #16: On Academic Boycotts
Raffaela Kunz
Cathérine Van de Graaf
This last month, like everywhere else, there was one all-dominating topic on the blog: Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. As an international law blog, we felt an urgent need to...
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Call for Papers: Opening Access, Closing the Knowledge Gap?
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Justine Batura
Raphael Oidtmann
International law is, by definition, a global discipline. Yet in practice, scholarly discourse often remains hampered by the borders of national publishing cultures and fora. The voices that are most...
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Editorial #13: Beyond the Written Word
Raffaela Kunz
Daniela Rau
It is this time of the year again – as always in the past years, we would like to begin the new year on Völkerrechtsblog looking back on the previous...
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Unfinished Business
Hannah Birkenkötter
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
It is Human Rights Day, again – an occasion to reflect on the state of academic debate about human rights. After a phase of significant human rights critiques, the debate has increasingly...
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Editorial #9: On Changes, New Beginnings and Continuities
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Philipp Eschenhagen
A new academic year is about to start in many jurisdictions around the globe. Völkerrechtsblog is back after the summer break in Europe with some important personal news: We are...
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- Symposium
- Contingency in International Law
Book Review Symposium: Contingency in International Law
Raffaela Kunz
Raphael Oidtmann
Anna-Julia Saiger
Could international law have turned out differently? What were contingent crossings at which international law could have taken different avenues? And why might it be worth thinking counter-factually? Over the...
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Doppelt zitierfähig
Evin Dalkilic
Maximilian Steinbeis
Raffaela Kunz
Erik Tuchtfeld
Christian Mathieu
Kathleen Neumann
Sebastian Hofmann
Spätestens mit ihrer Erwähnung in den Fußnotenapparaten von Kommentaren, Handbüchern und höchstgerichtlichen Urteilen haben sich Wissenschaftsblogs als fester Bestandteil des juristischen Publikationssystems etabliert. Das Fach zeigt sich dennoch nach wie...
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An Ever-Faster Blog?
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
A year ago, the world stood still. Germany – like most European countries – had just entered its first Corona-lockdown. We all went through many different phases since, and this...
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Looking back on a special year
Following what has become a tradition, we start the new year on the blog with a little overview of the most read articles of the last year. While usually, this...
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Digitaler Salon: Der Fall der Paywall
Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat erneut gezeigt, wie wichtig digitaler Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Publikationen ist und hat der Debatte rund um Open Access neuen Schwung gegeben. Am 30. September organisierte das Alexander...
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Introducing Völkerrechtsblog 3.0
Raffaela Kunz
Christian Pogies
Erik Tuchtfeld
Welcome to Völkerrechtsblog 3.0! We are very happy to introduce you to our completely redesigned and modernized website. Six years into its existence, Völkerrechtsblog receives a new logo and design...
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- Symposium
- Climate Justice
International law in an age of catastrophe
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
Anna-Julia Saiger
The symposium on climate justice is starting on the blog today, and it appears both a most urgent and a curious moment for it. Last year, the climate crisis finally...
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- Symposium
- Young Approaches to International Law
Irrational, unprofessional, radical?
Raffaela Kunz
Anna Holzscheiter
2019 has marked the year in which the climate crisis has entered broader public debate. The main trigger were young people protesting around the globe and demanding that their governments...
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The „pseudo doctrine“ – a pseudo problem?
The question of the “self-executingness” or “direct applicability” of international law is in fact a question of domestic law, but still almost all textbooks on international law address it. The...
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- Symposium
- Rewarding in International Law
International law in an age of catastrophe
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
Anna-Julia Saiger
We live in an age of catastrophe. This is not alarmism. Rather, denying this would mean disregarding all scientific evidence we have. At the beginning of this new decade, Australia...
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“To be a judge means to be criticized from all sides”
Angelika Nußberger
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Angelika Nußberger was the German judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) for nine years; her term of office came to an end at the turn of the...
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„Richter sein bedeutet, von allen Seiten kritisiert zu werden“
Angelika Nußberger
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Angelika Nußberger war neun Jahre die deutsche Richterin am Europäischen Menschenrechtsgerichtshofs (EGMR), zum Jahreswechsel ist ihre Amtszeit zu Ende gegangen. Zurück an ihrem Lehrstuhl an der Universität Köln blickt die...
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Most-read posts in 2019 and other insights from our backend
After a little break, we start 2020 with an overview of the 15 most-read posts in 2019 and some other interesting numbers from our statistics. What is striking is that...
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Happy Birthday, Völkerrechtsblog!
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
Today exactly five years ago, our first post went online. To celebrate a birthday with a blog means to celebrate what fills the blog with life: its articles, its authors,...
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- Symposium
- South and East Asian Perspectives on International Law
Are we living in the “Eastphalian” moment?
Raffaela Kunz
Sebastian M. Spitra
Diverging views and perspectives on international law are unavoidable. The global span of this body of law and the different geographical, cultural, religious and educational backgrounds of those who work...
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Funding Völkerrechtsblog
Michael Riegner
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
Since its inception in 2014, Völkerrechtsblog has been run by dedicated volunteers who spent countless hours of their spare time, and sometimes even their own money, on the blog. As...
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Voting down international law?
Raffaela Kunz
Anne Peters
There was quite some relief in Switzerland when it became clear on Sunday 25thNovember that the so called “initiative on democratic self-determination” had been rejected by the voters (the end result...
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A further “constitutionalization” to the detriment of the individual?
When the ECtHR presented its most recent statistics at the beginning of this year, at first glance this looked like a huge success: The number of pending applications before the...
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“You learn a lot from your teachers but mostly from your students”
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
From Joseph Weiler you can learn a lot - not only about what he teaches, but also about how to teach. That was the widely shared impression of participants in the 2017 Masterclass at the Max Planck Institute...
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Open Access on the shores of international legal scholarship
Michael Riegner
Raffaela Kunz
The digital revolution is hitting the shores of academic publishing. Online resources increasingly gain ground, and open access has become the call of the day – and a hotly debated...
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“The Inter-American System has always been in crisis, and we always found a way out”
Raffaela Kunz
Lucas Sánchez
Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot is the Vice President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and one of the most progressive judges currently in office. This summer he spent some...
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- Symposium
- Strenghtening the Legal Framework of the OSCE
Between aspirations and realities
The deployment of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in the wake of the Ukraine crisis illustrated once more the difficulties related to the legal status of the Organization for...
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- Symposium
- International Health Governance
International health governance of disease outbreaks
The recent Ebola crisis that shook West Arica, exceeded any previous Ebola epidemic and later was declared a pandemic by the WHO not only stretched local health care systems, but...
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- Symposium
- Debating “Beyond Human Rights”
Beyond Human Rights
Michael Riegner
Raffaela Kunz
With the first symposium after our relaunch, Völkerrechtsblog emphasizes its role as a forum for transnational legal debate - a debate that transcends jurisdictions and that connects scholars from different academic...
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- Symposium
- Verfassungs- und Völkerrecht im Spannungsverhältnis
Keine Diktatur der Volksherrschaft!
Eine Replik auf den Beitrag von Astrid Epiney Vor einigen Tagen hat Astrid Epiney im Rahmen dieses Symposiums einen Beitrag zur in der Schweiz laufenden Debatte über das Verhältnis von...
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- Symposium
- Verfassungs- und Völkerrecht im Spannungsverhältnis
Symposium: Verfassungs- und Völkerrecht im Spannungsverhältnis
Hannah Birkenkötter
Raffaela Kunz
Dana Schmalz
Das Urteil des italienischen Verfassungsgerichts vom 22. Oktober 2014 bildet nur einen ersten Höhepunkt in einer Reihe jüngerer Beispiele von konflikthaften Beziehungen und Spannungen im Verhältnis von Völkerrecht und nationalem...
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