Ecocide as the Fifth International Crime
The international criminal law framework could soon expand to include ‘ecocide’—the arbitrary, severe, and either widespread or long-term destruction of ecosystems. On September 9, 2024, Fiji, Samoa, and Vanuatu submitted...
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La Destruction de la « Victime Idéale »
Avec le récent rapport d'Amnesty International sur le génocide en Palestine et les mandats d'arrêt de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI), les violences sexuelles et sexistes (VSS) pourraient enfin recevoir...
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Crushing the “Ideal Victim”
Amid the recent Amnesty International report on genocide in Palestine and the ICC arrest warrants, it is to be hoped that sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) will now receive increased...
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Proxy Wars and International Criminal Law
José Manuel Aznar Puyalto
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, there has been a resurgence in the discussions around aggression and the homonym crime. However, the debate has mainly centred around...
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Closure of Protection Gaps?
Livia Benschu
Alexandra Lily Kather
On Thursday, June 6, 2024, the German Parliament adopted the Federal Government's draft bill on the further development of international criminal law as amended by the Committee on Legal Affairs....
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Progress or Patchwork?
Germany has received widespread acclaim for its domestic implementation of international criminal law (ICL) in the German Code on Crimes against International Law (Völkerstrafgesetzbuch) and for completing multiple universal jurisdiction...
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Fortschritt oder Flickwerk?
In Hinblick auf die kommunikative Offenheit der Verfahren hat die deutsche Strafjustiz die avisierte „Vorreiterrolle“ bei der Verfolgung von Völkerrechtsverbrechen bisher nicht einnehmen können. Anders als in anderen europäischen Staaten,...
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Indignity Trending
Hamas’ assault on Israel on October 7, 2023, and Israel’s scorched-earth response in Gaza, has captivated global audiences for over three months. The staggering loss of life and the brazen...
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Transboundary Elements of Crime
On 12 October, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) addressed the humanitarian and human rights crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh in response to the Azerbaijani military operation that commenced...
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A ‘Clear’ War Crime Against the Environment?
On the morning of June 6, 2023, the first news agencies reported that the Nova Kakhovka dam in the Russian-controlled area in southern Ukraine was destroyed. The spilling water masses...
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Islamic State, Women, and Their Role as Perpetrators in International Criminal Law
In June 2023, the Koblenz Higher Regional Court handed down one of the most significant sentences to female Islamic State (ISIS) returnees. The verdict against Nadine K. included charges for...
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Islamischer Staat, Frauen und ihre Täterinnenrolle im Völkerstrafrecht
Das OLG Koblenz verurteilte die Rückkehrerin aus dem Islamischen Staat (IS) Nadine K. im Juni 2023 u.a. wegen der mitgliedschaftlichen Beteiligung an einer terroristischen Vereinigung, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit durch...
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Rectifying the Coloniality of Omission
On the 24 February 2023, the German Federal Ministry of Justice published a white paper outlining proposals of legislative amendments that in its view seek to develop and strengthen international...
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The ICC’s Channels of Communication
In May 2022, the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Outreach Unit conducted an outreach mission in Timbuktu, Mali, as part of the The Prosecutor v. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag...
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Zwischen normativem Anspruch und prozessualer Wirklichkeit – Teil II
Nicolai Bülte
Franziska Gruber
Stefan Vasovic
Der erste Teil dieses Beitrags ist hier erschienen. Die prozessuale Hürde: Immunitäten Größter Vorteil – und größter Streitpunkt – einer internationalisierten Strafverfolgung ist die potentielle Umgehung von Immunitäten. Während...
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Zwischen normativem Anspruch und prozessualer Wirklichkeit – Teil I
Nicolai Bülte
Franziska Gruber
Stefan Vasovic
Seit am 24.02.2022 russische Truppen in die Ukraine einmarschiert sind, scheint das Völkerstrafrecht eine Renaissance zu erleben. Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) nahm bereits wenige Tage nach Kriegsbeginn Ermittlungen auf, eine...
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Mission Accomplished
There are two things every development agency does when launching a new program: First, formulating a robust theory of change, and second, devising an exit strategy. These steps serve to...
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The Ongwen case: A prism glass for the concurrent commission of gender-based crimes
Alexandra Lily Kather
Amal Nassar
In a long-anticipated judgment at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Trial Chamber IX found Dominic Ongwen, a former commander in the Lord Resistance Army (LRA), guilty of 61 counts of...
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