Cover courtesy of Oxford University Press.

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The World Bank’s Lawyers: Book Launch


On Wednesday 16 November, the ESIL Interest Groups on History of Intentional Law and International Organisations and Völkerrechtsblog, hosted a book launch for The World Bank’s Lawyers by Dr. Dimitri van den Meerssche (Queen Mary University London).

In addition to hearing from the author, discussants included Negar Mansouri (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies), Dr Gail Lythgoe (University of Manchester), Dr. Tommaso Soave (Central European University) and Dr. Ahmed Menon (Cardiff School of Law and Politics).
Florenz Volkaert (Ghent University) moderated.

The World Bank’s Lawyers: The Life of International Law as Institutional Practice was published by OUP in October 2022.

Florenz Volkaert

Florenz Volkaert is a PhD Fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) at the Ghent Legal History Institute working on a dissertation on treaties of commerce in the mid-to-late 19th and early 20th century.

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Tommaso Soave

Tommaso Soave is Assistant Professor at the Department of Legal Studies, Central European University.

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Ahmed Memon

Ahmed Memon is Lecturer at Cardiff School of Law and Politics.

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Gail Lythgoe

Gail Lythgoe teaches and researches international law and global governance and is co-director of the Manchester International Law Centre.

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Negar Mansouri

Negar Mansouri is a PhD candidate in international law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

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Dimitri Van Den Meerssche

Dimitri Van Den Meerssche is a Lecturer in Law and Fellow of the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS) at Queen Mary University of London. His current research studies the impact of new digital technologies on global security governance, with a focus on counterterrorism and border control.

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