Remaining Tensions Between the “Global Souths” and the “Global Norths”
Tejas Rao
Renatus Otto Franz Derler
The Convention on Biological Diversity gained increased momentum with the establishment of the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) which aimed to address the limitations of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets...
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How Do You Like Your Coffee? Green!
More than two billion cups – that is the global amount of coffee we are consuming every day. Notwithstanding its value as a culinary treat and a remedy for staying...
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Analysis of the Obligations in International Law to Environmentally Remediate Munitions Dumped in the Baltic Sea
In this episode of the “Völkerrechtliche Tagesthemen” this lecturer discusses the legal frameworks surrounding sea-dumped chemical weapons (SDCWs) and explores whether states have an international responsibility to protect marine environments...
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International Rights of Nature
Rights of nature have experienced a major upswing in recent years (for an overview of legal developments, see here). Starting with a local ordinance in the US state of Pennsylvania...
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Bridging Jurisprudence and Ecology
Earlier this year, the United Nations General Assembly filed a request for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice following the adoption resolution on 29 March. The request...
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- Symposium
- Progress and International Law: A Cursed Relationship?
Progress and Linear Time: How to Rethink International Law to Account for Ecologically Precarious Presents?
We live in the ‘era of global boiling’, says UN Secretary-General Guterres, as July 2023 set to be the hottest month on record. While the ecological conditions of planetary life...
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In Line with the Vanguard of International Law?
When the sun sets over Mar Menor, flamingos wade slowly through the silt at the shores. The lagoon’s waters are shallow, used to be crystal clear and abundant with seahorses....
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On the Potential of GATT Article XX for the Renewable Energy Sector
Energy security is a critical concern for many States, as it involves ensuring reliable access to affordable energy resources. Therefore, renewable energy becomes indispensable for the growing energy needs of...
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When A Princess Causes a Nightmare
On February 28, 2023, the tanker Princess Empress sank off the coast of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines as a result of engine damage. Since then, the loaded 800,000 liters of industrial...
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On the Power of Formation
“Formation” may be defined as “an act of giving form or shape”. In international environmental governance, matters of form and shape are constitutive. Whether the formation of a global environmental...
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And the Azerbaijan-Armenia Lawfare Expanded
On 18 January 2023, the government of Azerbaijan announced that it had launched an inter-state arbitration proceedings against Armenia under the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and...
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A Multilateral Mechanism for Digital Sequence Information
The 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (hereinafter: CBD) has now reached a substantive conclusion, although not an official one. The latter is due...
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Dead Fish in the River Oder
A gigantic ecological catastrophe is unfolding in Central Europe: Thousands of dead fish were found in the river Oder since the end of July, now amounting to more than 100...
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- Symposium
- Framing Business & Human Rights?
Unpacking the Potentials of a Framework Agreement on Business and Human Rights
In a context of mounting evidence of adverse impacts of business activities on human rights and the environment, the Business and Human Rights (BHR) legal framework has gained momentum in...
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