- Symposium
- Advanced Digital Technologies in Migration Management: Data Protection and Fundamental Rights Concerns
Advanced Digital Technologies in Migration Management
Spyridoula (Sissy) Katsoni
Daniela Vitiello
Giulia Raimondo
Sara Arapiles
As migration management systems across the globe increasingly adopt advanced digital technologies, new challenges emerge at the intersection of technological innovations, human rights, and data protection. From artificial intelligence (dataAI)...
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Collective Resistance, Ancestrality and Black Women’s Power
Melody Dodoo
Luna Borges
Muskan Tibrewala
Wellington 'Dinho' Gabriel
Wellington ‘Dinho’ Gabriel is a community leader from the Quilombo Pitanga dos Palmares community in Bahia, Brazil. In October 2024, Dinho spoke at an event at the United Nations, ahead...
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Remaining Tensions Between the “Global Souths” and the “Global Norths”
Tejas Rao
Renatus Otto Franz Derler
The Convention on Biological Diversity gained increased momentum with the establishment of the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) which aimed to address the limitations of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets...
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- Interview
- Symposium
- Climate Change Conference COP29
Setting the Scene for COP29
Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh
Khaled El Mahmoud
Dear Margaretha, we would like to express our gratitude for accepting our invitation and for agreeing to this interview. We are delighted to have the opportunity to engage in discourse...
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The Cost of Silence
The recent comments by the Indian Government reaffirming the marital exemptions carved out within the provisions on rape in Indian criminal law is a distressing reminder of the appalling condition...
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- Interview
- Symposium
- International Law and the Political
The Private is Political
León Castellanos-Jankiewicz
Hendrik Simon
Despite its enormous growth in importance over the last 20 years or so, the History of International Law as an academic sub-discipline has so far widely neglected private international law....
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Beyond Atrocities
Priorities in international human rights are undergoing a significant transformation as a result of the growing preoccupation with “atrocity crimes”, argued recently New York University law professor and former UN...
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What Are Human Rights Worth to Bayer?
“Respect for human rights is a task for society as a whole, for which we all – governments and companies as well as individuals – must take responsibility,” states Bayer,...
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Louisiana’s Castration Law
While Louisiana’s new castration law aims to deter sexual offences, it raises ethical and legal concerns because it infringes upon international human rights norms such as bodily autonomy and informed...
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Hello, Can You Hear Me?
In March, the former Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (“the Commissioner”), Dunja Mijatović, published a report, following up on her visit to Germany in November 2023, where she...
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- Symposium
- Blögiversary: Celebrating Ten Years of Völkerrechtsblog
Revisiting “The Right to Land”
First and foremost, I would like to thank Völkerrechtsblog for allowing me to rediscover and discuss my 2016 blog post. At the time of writing, I felt it was necessary...
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Is the Harmonisation of IHL and IHRL Eroding?
Editor's note: a two-part rebuttal to this piece by Mischa Gureghian Hall has been published on Völkerrechtsblog (see Part I and Part II). On 19 December 2023, the European...
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- Symposium
- Women in International Law Vol. 3
Staining International Law
“Women are born with pain built in. It’s our physical destiny – period pains, sore boobs, childbirth. We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives.” Belinda in Fleabag, Series 2,...
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- Interview
- Symposium
- International Law and the Political
Against the Historiographical Hierarchization of Human Rights
Steven L.B. Jensen
Hendrik Simon
Social and economic rights have often been considered part of so-called ‘second-generation rights’ – falsely, as Steven L. B. Jensen argues. Instead, he calls for a new historiography of social...
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Every Day Counts
Dilara Karmen Yaman
Sabrina Seikh
Globally, approximately every seventh pregnancy worldwide results miscarriage, prompting a notable gap in legal discourse. This deficiency is exemplified by a critical issue: women in Germany who suffer a miscarriage...
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Children as Agents of Change
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (Committee) has recently published its new General Comment No. 26 (GC26) on Children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on...
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Prohibition of Racial Discrimination is not Enough
On 27 June 2023, 17-year-old Nahel M. was fatally shot by police during a vehicle stop in Paris, sparking nationwide riots. On the basis of video evidence, a number of...
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- Symposium
- Progress and International Law: A Cursed Relationship?
The “Responsibility to and for Progress” in International Law
How do we achieve a responsible approach to progress and its consequences? This old question of humankind has been given new momentum by recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI): Numerous...
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- Symposium
- Progress and International Law: A Cursed Relationship?
Border Dialectics: Progress, Regress, and Resistance
Received knowledge about the protection of migrants in international law tells a story of progress. A story of expanded refugee definitions, complementary protection, and extraterritorial obligations. Yet a counternarrative has...
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- Symposium
- Progress and International Law: A Cursed Relationship?
Locating Progress in the European Convention on Human Rights
Progress may seem to be a temporal concept. That is certainly how it is usually understood in the literature on progress and international law. Statements of progress are said, for...
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A Serious Humanitarian Crisis Leading to Genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh
It is already more than 270 days since the blockade of the Lachin Corridor, also known as the "road to life,” which connects the Nagorno-Karabakh region to Armenia and the...
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Iran’s Appointment as the Chair-Rapporteur of the UNHRC Social Forum
On 10 May 2023, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) President appointed the Islamic Republic of Iran to chair the 2023 Social Forum. The upcoming Forum focuses on...
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God Save the King – From “Annoying” Protesters?
For peaceful protesters, the United Kingdom (‘UK’) has turned into difficult terrain over the last years. In the recent past, this has become increasingly obvious, especially by the way the...
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Trojan Horses with Emergency Lights
Medical impartiality, the principle that during armed conflicts or civil unrest, no one should interfere with the access to or delivery of medical services, is of utmost importance for effective...
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Trash or Treasure?
What do you think happens with your phone after its approximately two years of usage? It will probably be on its way abroad together with other electronic equipment. With due...
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Beyond Property Relations
In December 2022, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), the supervisory body of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) adopted General Comment No....
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The Future of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Human Rights
Over the last decades, the regulation of gender and sexuality has undergone major changes in Europe. From Athens to Reykjavik, same-sex unions are legal reality. States must no longer require...
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The Future of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Human Rights
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has a long history of adjudicating cases concerning sexual orientation and gender identity. Many of those cases involved the controversial interpretive approach known...
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Emergency Derogation or Curtailment of Human Rights?
Shiva Sharifzad
Reza Khabook
Following the killing of Mahsa (Jina) Amini in the so-called "Morality Police" custody due to the alleged non-compliance with Iran's hijab regulation, mass protests erupted all over the country in...
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The Vocal, yet Elusive Elephant in the Room of Supply Chain Regulation
Sitting at the helm of the EU Council on 1 December 2022, Jozef Síkela, the Czech Minister for Industry and Trade, seemed astonished at the result of a vote count...
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- Symposium
- Racial Profiling in Germany
Race and Empire in International Law
The prohibition of racial discrimination has played a marginal role within the global human rights agenda. This corresponds to the subordination and neglect of ‘race’ in how international legal scholars...
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- Symposium
- Adivasi Struggles in Chhattisgarh
India Trains Its Sights on Dissent in Chhattisgarh
Development in the form of profit-driven resource exploitation ventures in India’s central state of Chhattisgarh, led by corporations and facilitated by the state, have wreaked havoc on the lives and...
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Behind the Curtain
It is increasingly difficult to form social relations, to work, or to get information about the work of government or public offices without having access to information and communications technologies...
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Wofür kämpfen?
Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine ist zu einem Zermürbungskrieg im Osten des Landes geworden. Seine Fortdauer kostet jeden Tag unzählige Menschenleben. Dennoch zeigt sich gerade in Hinblick auf die...
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- Media
- Völkerrechtspodcast
#3 Bindung an Menschenrechte im Ausland
Sophie Schuberth
Erik Tuchtfeld
Isabel Lischewski
Philipp Eschenhagen
Wie man Staaten dazu bekommt, auch für ihr Handeln jenseits ihres Territoriums Verantwortung zu übernehmen, ist ein altes Problem des Völkerrechts – umso drängender wird es, wenn dieses Handeln Menschenrechte...
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