Is It Time?
While the UN and almost every region around the world have explicitly recognized the right to a healthy environment, there is one region that still lacks this right: Europe. But...
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International and European Law before the Meta Oversight Board
This episode of the Völkerrechtliche Tagesthemen focuses on the International and European Law before the Meta Oversight Board. In January 2021, the Meta Oversight Board published its first decisions regarding...
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Legal and Judicial Responses to Disaster Displacement in Italy, Austria and Sweden
Chiara Scissa
Francesca Biondi Dal Monte
Matthew Scott
Margit Ammer
Monika Mayrhofer
Climate change and the growing climate crisis are expected to force more and more people to leave their homes. EU law and policy, however, do not explicitly address disaster displacement,...
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Take It or Break It?
Louis Valentino Kolkmeyer
Vor gut sechs Jahren hat das britische Volk per Referendum für den Austritt des Vereinigten Königreichs (VK) aus der Europäischen Union (EU) gestimmt (Brexit). Dystopien wie ein frequenter Gebrauch von...
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Was wird aus der Beistandsklausel der EU?
Finnland und Schweden haben seit dem Abend des 28. Juni Gewissheit: Beide werden Mitglieder im Verteidigungsbündnis der NATO. Nach einigen Zugeständnissen an die Türkei (ebenfalls NATO-Mitglied) können nun die Verfahren...
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- Symposium
- Framing Business & Human Rights?
How to Avoid Politicised Monitoring?
It is one thing to draft international laws that protect individuals, but quite another to ensure their implementation and compliance by State parties. Taking into consideration existing framework conventions, particularly...
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- Symposium
- Framing Business & Human Rights?
Caught between Principles and Perfectionism
One of the driving forces behind the movement towards a legally binding instrument on business and human rights (BHR) has been the need for effective remedies for victims of corporate...
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