The Book Launch Event was organized by the Jindal Society of International Law.

Zum Symposium

Returning ‘To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth’

A Conversation with Martti Koskenniemi


Following the Völkerrechtsblog symposium on Martti Koskenniemi’s new book, our editorial board members Christian Pogies and Hendrik Simon were invited by Ankit Malhotra of the Jindal Society of International Law to join Martti Koskenniemi in once again returning To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth.

So, what to expect? The first part of the video is a presentation by Martti Koskenniemi on the core themes of his book: legal imagination and bricolage, as well as sovereignty and property. The second part is a conversation building on those ideas; enriched by topics such as the politics of international law, Eurocentrism in the history of international law – and the contributions to our symposium.

Martti Koskenniemi

Martti Koskenniemi is Professor Emeritus of International Law at the University of Helsinki. He was a member of the Finnish diplomatic service in 1978-1994 and of the International Law Commission (UN) in 2002-2006. He is member of the Institut de droit international, Fellow of the British Academy and Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His main publications include From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument (1989/2005), The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960 (2001) and The Politics of International Law (2011) as well as now To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth: Legal Imagination and International Power 1300-1870 (2021).

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Ankit Malhotra

Ankit Malhotra is reading Law at O.P. Jindal Global University and has a B.A. Degree in International Affairs. Ankit is currently serving as a Research Assistant to Chambers of Gopal Subramanium, former Solicitor General of India, and Senior Advocate. As the youngest student participant, Ankit has presented a paper entitled Role of International Organizations, State Responsibility and the Case of China at the 49th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of International Law in 2020.

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Christian R. J. Pogies

Christian R. J. Pogies is a Doctoral Student in the Department Historical Regimes of Normativity (Blog: Legal History Insights) at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory. He is an editor at Völkerrechtsblog.

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Hendrik Simon

Hendrik Simon is Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and Lecturer at Goethe University Frankfurt. Among his main publications is ‘The Myth of Liberum Ius ad Bellum. Justifying War in 19th-Century Legal Theory and Political Practice’, in The European Journal of International Law (2018). He is an editor at Völkerrechtsblog.

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