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Video: ‘To me, fair friend, you can never be old’. The European Convention on Human Rights at 70

3rd Bernhardt Lecture with Professor Başak Çalı


On 23 Octobe Başak Çalı held the 3rd Bernhardt Lecture of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law which took place in a hybrid format via Zoom/Livestream. This is the topic of the talk:

The European Court of Human Rights has thrived over its 70 years thanks to a number of binaries: effective rights versus margin of appreciation; moral versus consensus-based interpretation; individual justice versus constitutional justice. In the last decades new binaries have emerged on the bench of the Court and in scholarship: procedural review versus substantive review; good-faith violations of the Convention versus bad-faith violations of the Convention. This lecture investigates the new binaries of the European Court of Human Rights, and asks whether and how they are different from the old as the European Convention on Human Right celebrates its  70th anniversary.

More information on the event can be found here.


Başak Çalı
Başak Çalı is co-director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights at the Hertie School, Berlin where she is also professor of international law. She is also a faculty member at Koç University Law School, Istanbul and the Chair of theEuropean Implementation Network, Strasbourg.
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