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Listen: Space Law

Public International Law in a Nutshell: the ZIS Podcast Series


We are happy to present an episode of the podcast series “Public International Law in a Nutshell”. The podcast was produced in a podcast seminar (‘Public International Law in a Nutshell: A Podcast Seminar’) held by Professor Dr. Dominik Steiger at Technische Universität Dresden in the winter term of 2020/2021 and is part of the upcoming podcast series of the TU Dresden Center for International Studies (Zentrum für Internationale Studien/ ZIS).


In this episode, Vivienne Kobel and Lydia Vosberg present the topic of space law with a focus of the activities of private entities such as SpaceX in outer space – but in a nutshell: short, precise and on the point.

Vivienne Kobel and Lydia Vosberg are both students of the BA-programme ‘Internationale Beziehungen’ (‘International Relations’) that is offered by the Center for International Studies at TU Dresden.

Their interview guests are Prof. Stephan Hobe, Director of the Institute for Air Law, Space Law and Cyber Law, University of Cologne and holder of the University of Cologne Chair for Public International Law, European Law, European and International Economic Law as well as the Jean-Monnet Chair for Public International Law, European Law, European and International Economic Law and Dr. Franziska Knur, UN affairs adviser and international space law expert from the German Space Agency at DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt).

The podcast is also available via UNhörbar, the podcast of the regional branch Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia of the United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN-Landesverband Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen). Völkerrechtsblog and UNhörbar are happy to host this podcast episode.

Vivienne Kobel

Vivienne Kobel is an undergraduate student of the interdisciplinary International Relations programme at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.

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Lydia Vosberg

Lydia Vosberg is an undergraduate student of the interdisciplinary International Relations programme at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.

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