Ceiling of the Human Rights Council; photo by the United States Mission Geneva via Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)

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Conference “Cynical International Law?”

Program and Registration for Engaged Listeners


The joint conference of the Working Group of Young Scholars in Public International Law (Arbeitskreis junger Völkerrechtswissenschaftler*innen – AjV) and the German Society of International Law (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht – DGIR) on the topic of

Cynical International Law?

Abuse and Circumvention in Public International and European Law

6 – 7 September 2019, Freie Universität Berlin

has published its conference program and is now open for registration for engaged listeners. Völkerrechtsblog, a project founded by AjV members, is cooperating with the conference’s organizers and will accompany the conference with contributions on the  topic and with other formats which will be announced soon.

Prof. Gerry Simpson (LSE) will open the conference with a keynote speech circumscribing the concept of “Cynicism” and its suitability for legal discourse. The conference panels are inter alia dedicated to the questions if and to what extent cynicism can be detected in certain sub-fields of Public International Law and in European Law, which actors use International and European Law in cynical ways and how the general principle of abuse of rights is able to counterbalance such cynical uses.

The conference’s concept is specifically designed to enable an exchange between younger scholars and more established academics and practitioners, many of which are members of the German Society of International Law.

You may find the conference program here, or on the conference website. Registration is possible on the conference website via this link. Please register by 28 July 2019.

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