- Symposium
- Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives
Introducing the Symposium on Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives by Emily Jones
Lys Kulamadayil
Isabel Lischewski
Sebastian M. Spitra
Emily Jones is known in the international law research community as a co-host of the Essex Public International Law lecture series. She, herself a critical international law scholar, initiated this...
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- Symposium
- The Concrete Utopia of Human Rights
Symposium Introduction: The Concrete Utopia of Human Rights
Dana Schmalz
Sebastian M. Spitra
This week, Völkerrechtsblog hosts a symposium on Wolfgang Kaleck’s newly published book Die konkrete Utopie der Menschenrechte. The book discusses the history and present of the legal struggle for human...
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- Book Review
- Symposium
- The Justification of War and International Order
War! What Is It Good For?
Sué González Hauck
Sebastian M. Spitra
Nesa Zimmermann
‘The history of war is also a history of its justification’ (p. 3) – this is the momentous starting point of the volume on The Justification of War and International...
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- Book Review
- Symposium
- Interview
- The Battle for International Law
“‘The West’ might not exist anymore”
Christian Pogies
Anna-Julia Saiger
Sebastian M. Spitra
This interview is the beginning of a book symposium on Jochen von Bernstorff and Philipp Dann´s edited volume on The Battle for International Law: South-North Perspectives on the Decolonization Era...
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- Book Review
- Symposium
- Crimes Against Humanity
Symposium introduction: crimes against humanity
Sebastian M. Spitra
Anna Sophia Tiedeke
This post is the opening of a symposium on Kerstin von Lingen’s award-winning book Crimes Against Humanity. Eine Ideengeschichte der Zivilisierung von Kriegsgewalt 1864–1945. The book looks at the intellectual...
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Summer Reading List of the #Ö
Dana Schmalz
Sué González Hauck
Sebastian M. Spitra
In today’s second part of our Summer Reading List, Sué Gonzáles Hauck introduces Lea David’s ‘The Past Can’t Heal Us’, Dana Schmalz reviews Étienne Balibar’s ‘Secularism and Cosmopolitanism’, and Sebastian...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- Indigenous Rights and Biodiversity
Incorporating indigenous rights in the international regime on biodiversity protection
Sebastian M. Spitra
Anna-Julia Saiger
This post is the first of a series of four that will discuss Federica Cittadino’s book Incorporating Indigenous Rights in the International Regime on Biodiversity Protection. Access, Benefit-sharing and Conservation...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- Irresolvable Norm Conflicts
Irresolvable Norm Conflicts: The Concept of a Legal Dilemma
Over the course of the next few days the Völkerrechtsblog is pleased to host an online symposium of Valentin Jeutner's recently published book: Irresolvable Norm Conflicts in International Law: The...
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Provoking the single story
Telling a history of international law is every time a mode of echoing oneself in the present. The danger of a single storyand its oppressive force to identities and peoples...
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- Symposium
- South and East Asian Perspectives on International Law
Are we living in the “Eastphalian” moment?
Raffaela Kunz
Sebastian M. Spitra
Diverging views and perspectives on international law are unavoidable. The global span of this body of law and the different geographical, cultural, religious and educational backgrounds of those who work...
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- Symposium
- Cultural Heritage in a Post-Colonial World
The politics of cultural heritage protection in international law
Every legal field has its own history and every history has its own master narrative, in the case of international law protecting cultural heritage it is a plain success story....
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Kulturgüter – Neue Narrative für den Umgang mit dem postkolonialen Erbe
Der Kulturgüterschutz ist wie kaum ein anderes Feld mit Fragen der Identität sowie Emotionen verknüpft. In ihrem konzisen Überblick zu den Herausforderungen des völkerrechtlichen Kulturgüterschutzes hat Adrianna A. Michel diesen...
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“P” for Partnership or “R” for Regime?
A response to Maximilian Oehl and Jelena Bäumler In their attentive and stimulating posts, Maximilian Oehl and Jelena Bäumler considered the condition of the WTO and the role of public...
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