- Book Review
- Symposium
- The World Bank’s Lawyers
International Institutional Law “Under the Radar”
When I arrived at the World Bank in Washington D.C. in 2014, the Bank was in the process of incorporating a new agenda on security, conflict and fragility in its...
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- Symposium
- Framing Business & Human Rights?
A Framework Agreement in Business and Human Rights?
Surya Deva
Claire Methven O'Brien
Michael Riegner
Anna Sophia Tiedeke
Justine Batura
We are pleased to conclude our Symposium with a special treat for our readers: a double interview with two renowned scholars, Surya Deva and Claire Methven O’Brien, who are rather emblematic for different approaches...
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- Symposium
- Framing Business & Human Rights?
Framing Business & Human Rights?
Justine Batura
Anna Sophia Tiedeke
Michael Riegner
Business and human rights (BHR), as an emerging field of modern law and legal research, is at an inflection point. On the one hand, its most prominent set of norms,...
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Comparative Climate Litigation in North-South Perspective
Anna-Julia Saiger
Michael Riegner
Maxim Bönnemann
We invite you to send us your blogposts for a joint blog symposium to be published on Verfassungsblog and on Völkerrechtsblog. Selected contributions may also be developed into full articles for a...
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The End of Indicators
On 16 September 2021, the World Bank unceremonially buried one of its most controversial projects, the Doing Business ranking: in a tight-lipped statement, the Bank announced that “management has taken the...
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Bouncers beyond Borders
Michael Riegner
Philipp Dann
Lena Zagst
Over the past two years, the EU has spent almost 100 million Euro to improve the Libyan coast guard’s ability to implement a “Search and Rescue Zone” in the Mediterranean....
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Global information governance in pandemic times
The main argument of my book, which we are discussing in this symposium, is that international institutions are not only diplomatic fora, lawmakers or financiers, but also act and govern...
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- Symposium
- Plurality of Law and Development
Scholars in mutual estrangement?
There is a curious estrangement between two scholarly communities that ought to have a lot in common: The first studies “transformative constitutionalism”, the second “law and development”. There is considerable...
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- Symposium
- Plurality of Law and Development
The plurality of law and development
Michael Riegner
Philipp Dann
Thomas Dollmaier
As a legal field, law and development is often traced back to the movement of US-American scholars and practitioners in the 1960s and 1970s, both epitomized and criticized by David...
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Funding Völkerrechtsblog
Michael Riegner
Dana Schmalz
Raffaela Kunz
Since its inception in 2014, Völkerrechtsblog has been run by dedicated volunteers who spent countless hours of their spare time, and sometimes even their own money, on the blog. As...
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Access to information and the fourth wave of rights
The Inter-American and the European Court of Human Rights, the UN Human Rights Committee, the European Union, Germany, India, South Africa, and Brazil all share one common legal feature: They...
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Cheating Chile
A rare mea culpa emanated from the leading international development institution, the World Bank, last week. The Bank’s Chief Economist, Paul Romer, told the Wall Street Journal: “I want to...
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- Symposium
- Global South in Comparative Constitutional Law
The 12mm-Winchester-Gun and the Global South in Comparative Constitutional Law
This week, our partner journal Verfassung und Recht in Übersee (VRÜ) / Law and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America celebrates its 50th birthday with an international conference on...
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Open Access on the shores of international legal scholarship
Michael Riegner
Raffaela Kunz
The digital revolution is hitting the shores of academic publishing. Online resources increasingly gain ground, and open access has become the call of the day – and a hotly debated...
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- Symposium
- Land Governance
Grab me if you can?
This post opens our symposium on “Land governance”, which accompanies an international conference at the Law and Society Institute of Humboldt University Berlin. Lawyers and political scientists from Germany, India...
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- Symposium
- Mulitregionals and the Others
Megaregionals and the others
Michael Riegner
Thomas Streinz
Paul Mertenskötter
This weekend, public and international lawyers gather at Humboldt University in Berlin for the third conference of the International Society of Public Law, entitled "Borders, Otherness, and Public Law". Völkerrechtsblog takes up one particularly salient...
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- Symposium
- Debating “Beyond Human Rights”
De-constitutionalizing individual rights beyond the state?
With its translation into English, Anne Peters’ “Beyond Human Rights” provokes reactions from a wider scholarly community that does not necessarily share her doctrinal methods, theoretical commitments or underlying political...
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- Symposium
- Debating “Beyond Human Rights”
Beyond Human Rights
Michael Riegner
Raffaela Kunz
With the first symposium after our relaunch, Völkerrechtsblog emphasizes its role as a forum for transnational legal debate - a debate that transcends jurisdictions and that connects scholars from different academic...
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Relaunching Völkerrechtsblog 2016
Völkerrechtsblog launches into the year 2016 – our third year! – with a new website, design and logo, and with new content and new services for the international law community....
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- Symposium
- The Promises of International Law and Society
“What’s law got to do with it?”
Symposium “The Promises of International Law and Society” When Richard Schwartz, co-founder of the Law and Society Association in the US, was invited to submit a part of his PhD on social...
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- Symposium
- Rule of Law Goes Global
“You can’t be neutral on a moving train”
Conference symposium "Rule of law goes global" “The rule of law maintains things as they are. Therefore, to begin the process of change, to stop a war, to establish justice,...
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Freihandel vs. Demokratie 2.0
Auftakt zum Online-Symposium Trademocracy Heute beginnt in New York die neunte Verhandlungsrunde über „TTIP“, das Freihandels- und Investitionsabkommen zwischen den USA und der EU. Am Wochenende gingen wieder tausende TTIP-Gegner...
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- Symposium
- Future of International Law
Grotius has a long way to go
Replik zum Beitrag von Matthias Kettemann Matthias Kettemanns Auftaktbeitrag „Grotius goes Google“ wirft zentrale Fragen zur Zukunft des Völkerrechts auf und gibt Antworten, die Aufmerksamkeit verdienen – und Widerspruch. Dies...
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Völkerrecht 2.0 – es ist angerichtet
Michael Riegner
Dana Schmalz
Dana Schmalz und Michael Riegner (für die Redaktion des Völkerrechtsblogs) Hier ist er, der neue Völkerrechtsblog. Noch erinnert er an den Blick auf einen gedeckten Tisch in Erwartung einer großen...
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