Professor Helmut Aust and Professor Heike Krieger (both Free University of Berlin) speak with Prof. Dire Tladi, professor of international law at the University of Pretoria in South Africa and Chair of the UN International Law Commission, about the role of the Commission in general and about its recent work on the topic of Peremptory Norms of General International Law (jus cogens), for which Professor Tladi serves as Special Rapporteur.
This video is part of the series “Spotlight Lehre”, with which the Free University of Berlin Department of Law wants to make selected content from teaching accessible to a wider audience.
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Heike Krieger is a Professor of International and Public Law at the Free University of Berlin and Chair of the DFG-funded Berlin Potsdam Research Group ‘The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?’.
Helmut Philipp Aust is a Professor of Public Law and the Internationalisation of the Legal Order at the Free University of Berlin and Co-Chair of the ILA Study Group ‘The Role of Cities in International Law’.
Dire Tladi is a Judge at the International Court of Justice. He is formerly a Professor in international law and South African diplomat.