Der UN-Ausschuss zur Beseitigung rassistischer Diskriminierung
Der Vortrag stellt Organisation und Tätigkeit des UN-Ausschuss zur Beseitigung rassistischer Diskriminierung vor. Dem Ausschuss, dem ältesten der zehn UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies, kommt die Aufgabe zu, die Einhaltung...
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Prohibition of Racial Discrimination is not Enough
On 27 June 2023, 17-year-old Nahel M. was fatally shot by police during a vehicle stop in Paris, sparking nationwide riots. On the basis of video evidence, a number of...
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The Internationalisation of Caste
A bottomless social stratification of inequality exists in the form of caste in Indian society. Caste transposes economic, cultural, political, and educational marginalisation. The egregious forms of discrimination that the...
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- Symposium
- Racial Profiling in Germany
Human Rights Standards for Accountability and Effective Remedies
In Germany, for a long time, racial profiling was regarded as a problem that exists in other countries. However, in recent years more victims of racial discrimination have brought cases...
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- Symposium
- Racial Profiling in Germany
Racial Profiling in Germany
In Basu v. Germany, an international body reminded Germany once again of its less-than-perfect human rights record regarding racial discrimination. In this case, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)...
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