To Cide or Not to Cide – Ecocide, What Have You Started?
The destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza since October 2023 has recently been described as being at an "unprecedented level" (UNCTAD Report, p. 9). According to the Guardian, 70% of...
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- Symposium
- Blögiversary: Celebrating Ten Years of Völkerrechtsblog
In the Tenth Year of the War
In 2014, I was invited to write a post on Ukraine. Everyone understood Ukraine’s crisis mattered, and wouldn’t be short, so I wrote three. Instead of discussing doctrinal unniceties, I...
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Who’s Afraid of Human Rights in War? (Part II)
In Part I of this response, I addressed the background of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the fact pattern of Narayan and Others v. Azerbaijan before the European Court of Human...
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Who’s Afraid of Human Rights in War? (Part I)
From the ravaged streets of Gaza to the decimated cities of Ukraine, the calamitous consequences of disavowing international human rights law (IHRL) in situations of armed conflict have seldom been...
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Is the Harmonisation of IHL and IHRL Eroding?
Editor's note: a two-part rebuttal to this piece by Mischa Gureghian Hall has been published on Völkerrechtsblog (see Part I and Part II). On 19 December 2023, the European...
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- Symposium
- Women in International Law Vol. 3
To Participate or Not to Participate?
Survivors of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) are often portrayed as passive and trauma-ridden individuals whose participation in social, political and economic life and community reintegration are hindered by stigma, shame...
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- Symposium
- Women in International Law Vol. 3
Reversing Disability Discrimination in Armed Conflict
An estimated 1.3 billion people, approximately 16 per cent of the world population, live with some form of disability, with substantially higher rates in conflict-affected populations. In armed conflict, the...
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Western Sahara: Questions of Neutrality?
For decades, Algeria has been the major supporter of the Sahrawi liberation movement (Frente Polisario) in its struggle against Moroccan occupying forces. This support not only takes place on the...
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Compensation for Damages during Armed Conflict
This episode of the “Völkerrechtliche Tagesthemen” with the speaker Steven van de Put focuses on the increasing practice of states compensating individuals during armed conflict. The presenter highlights specifically the...
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Was wird aus der Beistandsklausel der EU?
Finnland und Schweden haben seit dem Abend des 28. Juni Gewissheit: Beide werden Mitglieder im Verteidigungsbündnis der NATO. Nach einigen Zugeständnissen an die Türkei (ebenfalls NATO-Mitglied) können nun die Verfahren...
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A Violent Effort to Rewrite History?
The geographically small Nagorno-Karabakh is rich in cultural and religious heritage. It is therefore not surprising that the recent war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over this contested territory spurred not...
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