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International Law and the Political

Hilma af Klint, “Buddha’s Standpoint in the Earthly Life”, Nr. 3a, 1920. Public domain via Wikimedia. Edited by Christian Pogies.

What is ‘political’ about international law? This interview series features younger as well as established scholars, focusing on the discussion of new publications on the theory and history of international law as it relates to the political.

The Private is Political

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Between War and Peace – On the Logic and Language of Imperial Violence. An Interview with Lauren Benton

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Towards Realistic Universalism?, or: Provincializing Realism! An Interview with Matthew Specter

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Global Histories of International Law’s Practice in Wartime

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Ordering the Power to Protect and Destroy Civilian Lives

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On Struggle and Contextualised History

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Against the Historiographical Hierarchization of Human Rights

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Fetishizing the State: Gentili and the Myth of the Modern Laws of War

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Beyond Black and White: Normative Ambiguities and the Delivery of Cluster Bombs

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Relapse into ‘Civilisation’?! A Narrative’s Continuity and Change

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(Merging the) Fragments of Critical International Law

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Can We Trust Each Other?

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International Law and Class Dynamics

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Revolutions Are Not Made by Laws

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On History, Responsibility and Critique

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Turning to History – A Political Project?

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Sentiment without Sentimentality

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(Writing) International Legal Histories – Continuation of Politics by Other Means?

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Völkerrechtsgeschichte (schreiben) – Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln?

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International Law and the Political: Setting the Scene

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