3rd Episode: Emerging Technologies and International Governance
Outi Korhonen, Professor of Law at the University of Turku, discusses emerging technologies and international governance with Andrea Leiter and Delphine Dogot.
Additional reading material:
- Korhonen, O., Bruncevic, M., & Arvidsson, M. (2023). Subjecthood in Cyberspace and the Uncanny Valley of International Law. Nordic Journal of International Law, 92(1), 138-169. DOI
- Korhonen, O., Rantala, J. (2023). Value as Potentiality Blockchain and the Age of Institutional Challenges, Chapter 12 pp. 216-235. in Feichtner, I. and Gordon, G. (eds.) Constitutions of Value, Routledge. DOI
- Korhonen, O. , Markovich E. (2021). Mapping power in cyberspace, pp. 46-68 in Tsagourias, N. and Buchan, R. (eds.) Research Handbook on International Law and Cyberspace, 2nd Edition, Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI
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Outi Korhonen is Chair Professor of international law at the University of Turku and the Principal Investigator of the CIDS-project (Academy of Finland).

Andrea Leiter is an Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam Center for International Law working on technology enabled governance. She also co-founded the Dutch non-profit organization Sovereign Nature Initiative, working at the intersection of ecology, technology and economics.

Delphine Dogot is Associate professor of Law at Université catholique de Lille, based on the Paris-Issy Campus, and research lead in Digital and Emerging Technology at C3RD, Research Centre on Law & Risk. She is the founding Director of LeStudio, a collaborative and creative digital/law lab.