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Digital Echoes: Listening to New Normativities in International Law and Technology

Photo of “The Singing Ringing Tree” a sculpture above Burnley by Pete Boyd on flickr, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Deed.

The first season of “Digital Echoes” brings together leading scholars in international law, international relations and legal theory to present their work and discuss the implications of an ever-increasing digitisation of socio-economic life from an (international) legal perspective. We have assembled a stellar group of thinkers who invite us to explore how Digital Technologies are changing and challenging the modes in which law and governance operate. How to formulate questions to address the relationship between international law and technology and its implications for governance? They invite us to think with them about what it means to talk about digital spaces or digital rights. To contemplate the topologies of normativity that these terms connote and to investigate how power operates in techno legal assemblages? Enjoy listening!

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