Völkerrechtsblog welcomes blog post proposals for its upcoming symposium ‘Women in International Law Vol. 3’. The ‘Women in International Law’ symposium is an online symposium held annually (in March) and hosts blog posts, interviews and/or podcasts on topics relating to women’s rights, feminist approaches to international law and the struggles of women in international legal academia. For an overview of the symposium, as held in 2022 and 2023, see here and here. Contributions to these past versions of the symposium were included in the list of the blog’s 15 most-read articles in 2022 and 2023.
This year, the symposium will primarily focus on current developments affecting women and the enjoyment and protection of their rights. Such current developments include (but are certainly not limited to) the Israel-Palestine conflict and its impacts on women’s rights and safety. Multiple UN agencies have recently warned that women, children, and newborns are disproportionately bearing the brunt of the conflict in Gaza. 50,000 women are estimated to be pregnant, with more than 180 women delivering babies daily amidst the collapse in health services. Health research in the context of armed conflict in Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Kosovo shows an increase in miscarriages, congenital abnormalities, stillbirths, preterm labour, and maternal mortality. After all, evidence shows high levels of gender and sexual-based violence persist post conflict, creating long-term threats to security and to women’s health, livelihoods, and their ability to participate in reconstruction and peacebuilding efforts.
Contributions on more general or contemporary international law-related topics in the theme of the symposium are also welcome. Such topics may include the impact of climate change in equality and the human rights protection of women, legal gaps in the protection from discrimination and gender-based violence in the digital sphere, intimate partner violence and asylum claims’ assessments, feminist critiques of various international law provisions, etc.
If you are interested in contributing to the symposium, please send your abstract of up to 300 words (in English) to katsoni@voelkerrechtsblog.org (please mention the Call for Papers in the subject line). The deadline for abstract submissions is 2 February 2024. Selected abstract authors will be asked to hand in their 1.500 words-long blog posts, in line with our guidelines for authors, by 16 February 2023. Submissions should also mention the affiliation of the authors.
Deadline for abstracts: 2 February 2024
Deadline for papers: 16 February 2024
Symposium: 4-8 March 2024