- Symposium
- Book Review
- The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law
Editors’ Response
Panos Merkouris
Jörg Kammerhofer
Noora Arajärvi
We would like to thank the editors of the Völkerrechtsblog for organising this symposium on The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law, and the commentators for thoughtfully and...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law
The Evergreen Examination Question
As ChatGPT-4 and other artificial intelligence machines are all but extinguishing the essay-writing practice, it is high time that we receive the right answer to the ever-green topic of international...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law
Reflections on Customary International Law and Interpretation
It is not often that one reads about Schrödinger's cat, the particle and wave qualities of light, and Latour’s idea that modern discourses are always driven by their foundational contradictions...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law
The Practical Question of the Interpretation of Customary International Law
The featured monograph in this symposium – The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law – offers welcome engagement with the question of whether there can be such a...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law
Legal Appropriation or Rechtsnahme through Customary International Law
Legal Appropriation or, what is the same, Rechtsnahme means in this contribution the space of human interaction that is appropriated by international judges, lawyers and other legal actors when they...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law
Introducing the Book Review Symposium on “The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law”
Jan-Henrik Hinselmann
Sissy Katsoni
Raphael Oidtmann
This summer, Judge Hilary Charlesworth made international lawyers very happy (some of them at least) when her dissenting opinion appended to the judgment of the International Court of Justice in...
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Tackling Foreign Election Interference Through Self-Determination
The problem of foreign election interference through cyberspace has by now received immense traction in international legal literature. Yet compared to intrusive instances such as vote count manipulations, there remains...
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