Due Diligence and the High Seas
Völkerrechtliche Tagesthemen: Spotlight (Episode 32)
There has been a rapid growth of interest in due diligence, especially in the fields of environmental law and the law of the sea. Yet, confusion seems to surround this notion. Is due diligence a principle, a rule, a standard or something else? This presentation explores the concept of due diligence and its usefulness in addressing modern challenges afflicting the high seas. Indeed, while the application of due diligence in transboundary contexts is well illustrated by jurisprudence, its applicability in areas beyond national jurisdiction remains unclear. Yet, a proper usage of this concept may be crucial for the protection of the high seas, as it allows for the intervention of international standards in this fragile area. Hopefully, the concept of due diligence can help compensate the insufficiencies of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea concerning the high seas.

Dr. Tony Cabus is a postdoctoral researcher at the Walther-Schücking Institute for international law in Kiel, Germany where he works on climate change law and marine CDR.