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The Past and Future of the International Criminal Court

Painting “Sun God” by Chen Ping.

In cooperation with the University of Vienna and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental Rights, Völkerrechtsblog is delighted to host a “Symposium on the 20th Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Rome Statute – The Past and Future of the International Criminal Court”.

Resulting from a high-profile international conference conducted at the University of Vienna in October 2021, we will publish a series of blog posts addressing different aspects of the International Criminal Court as it enters its third decade of existence – and is doing so in almost unprecedented times. The blog post series, comprising topics from extending the Court’s (material) jurisdiction towards its role in the war in Ukraine, brings together different perspectives on the International Criminal Court at its 20th birthday, written by some of the most seasoned experts on the matter. Therefore, without further ado, we wish you an enjoyable read and look forward to your feedback and comments.


The Symposium is organized by Andreas Sauermoser (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut) as well as Konstantina Stavrou (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut) and – both editorially and in terms of content – supervised by Miriam Nomanni (Völkerrechtsblog) and Raphael Oidtmann (Völkerrechtsblog).

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