Rule of Law Rules #6: “When We Think about the Future, We Have to Think About Data Participation”
Data Protection in the Age of Digitalization - A Podcast by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
“Rule of Law Rules” is our podcast on Rule of Law in the age of digitalization from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The host of the podcast is Dr Angela Daly, a socio-legal scholar of digital technology. In each episode she interviews one international expert about the opportunities and challenges for human rights in the digital age. We will gain insights into recent developments from different parts of the world.
For the last episode of our first series “Data Protection”, we went to Asia and took a closer look at the Southeast with Dr Lee San Natalie Pang, our expert on Data Protection. Natalie is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore. Her research centers on the intersection of technology and society, and her research projects are organized under the themes of digital citizenship, digital equity and well-being, digital humanities and data cultures in smart cities.
We spoke to her on the General Data Protection Regulation and its influence on the region.
“Rule of Law Rules” ist unser Podcast zum Thema Rechtsstaatlichkeit im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Unsere Moderatorin Dr. Angela Daly, eine Rechtssoziologin für digitale Technologie, interviewt in jeder Folge eine/n internationale/n Experten/in zu den Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Menschenrechte im digitalen Zeitalter. Wir erhalten Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt.
Für die letzte Folge unseres ersten Themenbereiches „Datenschutz“ gehen wir nach Asien und blicken mit unserer Expertin für Datenschutz Dr Lee San Natalie Pang auf den Südosten des Kontinentes. Natalie ist Dozentin an der National University of Singapur. Sie forscht zu Technologie und Gesellschaft. Und ihre Forschungsprojekte sind zu den Themen der digitalen Staatsbürgerschaft, digitales Eigenkapital und Wohlbefinden, digitalen Geisteswissenschaften und Datenkulturen in Smart Cities.
Wir sprechen mit ihr über die allgemeine Datenschutzregulierung DSGVO und ihren Einfluss auf die Region.
Show notes:
You can find more information on our guest Dr Lee San Natalie Pang here.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been active in international cooperation since the last 50 years. The main goals of our international commitment are fostering democracy and economic development as well as the respect for human rights. Find our website here.
Promoting the Rule of Law is one of the top priorities in the work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Thus, since 1990 the Stiftung has been supplementing its global projects with the transnational, worldwide Rule of Law Programme. Its bases are Bogotá, Singapore, Nairobi, Dakar, Bucharest and Beirut. We believe that sustainable development and security are not conceivable without stable democracies – and that stable democracies are not possible without the Rule of Law. Read more on the subject here.
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