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Rule of Law Rules #2: “Data protection is so big in South East Europe because of the GDPR”

A podcast by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation


Today we present you the second episode of the podcast series “Rule of Law Rules” by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.

Hosted by Dr Angela Daly, a socio-legal scholar of digital technology, each episode will feature an interview of an international expert on the opportunities and challenges for human rights in the digital age. Three topics will be broadly discussed: data protection, legal technology and security. The aim is to gain insights into recent developments from different parts of the world.

This time, the podcast takes a closer look at South East Europe. Ioana Stupariu is the founder of a boutique consultancy. They are working with tech and healthcare start-ups and companies across Central and Eastern Europe to implement the highest professional standards and satisfy applicable regulatory requirements. She is also a S.J.D. Candidate at the Legal Department at CEU, in the International Business Law stream. Her SJD research focuses on data protection and privacy, internet and technology regulation, with a particular interest in the interplay between digital transformation and disruption, and law and regulation.

KAS spoke with her about the General Data Protection Regulation and its influence in South East Europe as well as her research on data protection.

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