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International Organizations, the Rule of Law, and the Role of the Legal Advisor

Völkerrechtliche Tagesthemen: Spotlight (Episode 47)


This episode of the Völkerrechtliche Tagesthemen series dissects the crucial role of international organizations (IOs), the rule of law, and the significance of legal advisors within them, focusing on examples from two very different IOs: the United Nations (UN) and the European University Institute (EUI). It explores how legal frameworks and legal advisors foster cooperation, resolve disputes, and ensure accountability within IOs.

The lecture highlights the UN’s reliance on legal advisors to navigate complex diplomatic negotiations and emphasizes the EUI’s unique contributions to supranational governance and legal education. Ultimately, it underscores the profound impact of legal expertise in shaping global governance and upholding the rule of law in today’s world, offering a comprehensive exploration of these interconnected elements.


Noora Arajärvi

Dr. Noora Arajärvi is a Legal Officer at the European University Institute. Previously she worked as a lecturer, a postdoctoral researcher, and in professional roles at the UN Rule of Law Unit in New York and the Hertie School in Berlin. In her research she covers diverse topics such as the sources of international law, the use of cultural expertise in international courts and tribunals, interplay of law and policy, and data protection in research ethics.

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