DGIR Statement on the Russian Attack on Ukraine
The Charter of the United Nations obliges all Member States to refrain in their international relations from the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another...
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- Symposium
- A Critical Christmas Week
Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk für Enten und Gänse
Das insbesondere in Frankreich beliebte Weihnachtsessen Foie gras ist ein krankes Produkt, nämlich die pathologisch verfettete Leber von Enten und Gänsen. Die mit der Herstellung verbundene Tierquälerei sollte EU-weit beendet...
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- Interview
- Symposium
- International Law and the Political
(Writing) International Legal Histories – Continuation of Politics by Other Means?
Anne Peters
Raphael Schäfer
Hendrik Simon
Dear Professor Peters, dear Mr. Schäfer – to begin with the genesis of your anthology Politics and the Histories of International Law: How did this publication project come about? Where...
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- Interview
- Symposium
- International Law and the Political
Völkerrechtsgeschichte (schreiben) – Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln?
Anne Peters
Raphael Schäfer
Hendrik Simon
Liebe Frau Professorin Peters, lieber Herr Schäfer - um mit der Entstehungsgeschichte Ihres Sammelbandes „Politics and the Histories of International Law“ zu beginnen: Wie kam es zu diesem Publikationsprojekt? Wo würden Sie...
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- Symposium
- Book Review
- ABC of OPT
From “Assigned Residence” to “Zone”
Alexandra Kemmerer
Anne Peters
Israel’s occupation or “control” (as the book prefers to call it) of Palestinian Territory that began with six days in June 1967, presents a depressing and tragic political and moral...
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- Symposium
- South and East Asian Perspectives on International Law
Multiperspectivism in and on international law
The symposium on “South and East Asian perspectives on international law” postulates that perspectives matter for the understanding, interpretation, and application of international law. I agree, but would like to...
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Voting down international law?
Raffaela Kunz
Anne Peters
There was quite some relief in Switzerland when it became clear on Sunday 25thNovember that the so called “initiative on democratic self-determination” had been rejected by the voters (the end result...
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- Symposium
- Debating “Beyond Human Rights”
Part 2: Simple international rights, global constitutionalism, and scholarly methods
This post continues Anne Peters rejoinder Roland Portmann’s main point is that national (domestic) law principles and practices matters crucially for the legal status of the individual, and that we...
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- Symposium
- Debating “Beyond Human Rights”
Simple international rights, global constitutionalism, and scholarly methods
An unexpected, organized, serious, and multiple engagement with arguments put forward in a manuscript which has gained shape, has grown, was written and re-written, was shrunk, cut, re-arranged, and which...
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- Symposium
- Verfassungs- und Völkerrecht im Spannungsverhältnis
Let Not Triepel Triumph
(This article has previously been published on EJIL: talk!) The Italian Constiutional Court’s decision no. 238 of 22 Oct. 2014 (unofficial translation into English) already inspired a flurry of comments in the blogosphere (see...
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