- Symposium
- Blögiversary: Celebrating Ten Years of Völkerrechtsblog
Revisiting a Rejoinder on past Wrongs
As the Völkerrechtsblog turns ten, I have the pleasure of revisiting an old blog post, asking myself how it has aged, what has changed since and how the post came...
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Yes, redressing past wrongs in the present!
A rejoinder to Maximilian Pichl and Mieke van der Linden I fully support Mieke van der Linden's thesis that the illegal nature of the colonization in Africa, and indeed everywhere...
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- Symposium
- Verfassungs- und Völkerrecht im Spannungsverhältnis
No custom restricting state immunity for grave breaches ‒ well why not?
In a recent judgement (discussed here and here), the Italian Constitutional Court (CC) found that the Italian Constitution barred Italian courts from applying the ICJ’s judgement in Germany v. Italy...
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