2nd Episode: New Modes of Law-Making and Resistance in the Digital Age
Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, Delphine Dogot and Andrea Leiter discuss new modes of law making and resistance in Artificial Intelligence.
Additional reading material:
- Mignot-Mahdavi, R. (2024, forthcoming). Remappings and Visibility: How Power Circulates and the Conditions of Resistance in the Digital World (November 30, 2023). Forthcoming in Political Geography, Review essay of Claudia Aradau and Tobias Blanke, Algorithmic Reason: The New Government of Self and Other (OUP, 2022), 288p. $100.00, ISBN: 9780192859624. DOI
- Aradau, C., & Blanke, T. (2022). Algorithmic Reason: The New Government of Self and Other. Online edition, OUP. DOI.
- Blas, Z. (2016). Opacities: An Introduction, 31 Camera Obscura, 2(92), 149–153. DOI
- Cusato E, Mignot-Mahdavi R, Stolk S, Vos R. (2024). In praise of multiplicity: Suspending the desire to change the world. Leiden Journal of International Law, 37(1), 1-5. DOI
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Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi is an Assistant Professor of Law at Sciences Po Law School. Her current research is situated in the fields of international law, international legal theory and digital security law and governance.

Andrea Leiter is an Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam Center for International Law working on technology enabled governance. She also co-founded the Dutch non-profit organization Sovereign Nature Initiative, working at the intersection of ecology, technology and economics.

Delphine Dogot is Associate professor of Law at Université catholique de Lille, based on the Paris-Issy Campus, and research lead in Digital and Emerging Technology at C3RD, Research Centre on Law & Risk. She is the founding Director of LeStudio, a collaborative and creative digital/law lab.