- Book Review
- Symposium
- Positive Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights: Within and Beyond Boundaries
Oasis or Mirage?
Into the Desert Paradoxically, the longest chapter in Vladislava Stoyanova’s book on positive obligations is devoted to the desert: the grim and arid lands extra muros. Where States operate beyond...
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- Book Review
- Symposium
- Positive Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights: Within and Beyond Boundaries
Positive Obligations, Extraterritoriality, and the Kind of Society We Want
Mariana Ferolla Vallandro do Valle
As our awareness of social problems evolves and an increasing variety of complex scenarios call for assessment under human rights lenses, it becomes increasingly evident that determining the content of...
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- Media
- Völkerrechtspodcast
#3 Bindung an Menschenrechte im Ausland
Sophie Schuberth
Erik Tuchtfeld
Isabel Lischewski
Philipp Eschenhagen
Wie man Staaten dazu bekommt, auch für ihr Handeln jenseits ihres Territoriums Verantwortung zu übernehmen, ist ein altes Problem des Völkerrechts – umso drängender wird es, wenn dieses Handeln Menschenrechte...
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