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The Law of Treaties as Applied to Private International Law


The Law of Treaties as Applied to Private International Law  A conference on The Law of Treaties as Applied to Private International Law will take place at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy, on 5 and 6 May 2023. The conference is concerned with the rules that govern the conclusion, interpretation and application of international treaties, as they apply to bilateral and multilateral treaties in the field of private international law. The aim of the conference is two-fold: to encourage specialists of private international law to reassess the importance of the issues that surround the coming into existence of private international law treaties and their operation under public international law; and to discuss whether, and to what extent, the law of treaties applies in the area of private international law in a way that reflects the peculiar features of private international law. For information and registration, see here. 

Deadline for registration: 26/04/2023

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Room G.127
Largo Gemelli 1
20123 Milan
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy
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