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Rule of Law Goes Global

This global approach to rule of law is at the heart of this week’s online symposium and conference “Rule of law goes global”. The conference is organized by our cooperation partner, the journal “Law and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America”, which holds its annual gathering from 3-4 July in Potsdam. The journal has a longstanding tradition of reflecting on the rule of law in the Global South, both in national and international law. This week’s conference will address the rule of law in national legal systems in Latin America and India; bilateral rule of law promotion in Bangladesh and Africa; the rule of human rights law in development; and rule of law in international institutions like the UN and the World Bank.

Our online symposium will take some of these discussions to the blogosphere. Conference speakers will present their arguments on this blog in the coming days, and we encourage our readers to join the virtual debate. Posts in this series can be accessed here. Likewise, readers are welcome to join the discussion in Potsdam, including the keynote lecture “Law as relay in Latin America” on Friday evening. In this way, our symposium attempts to capture the spirit of some of the rule of law debates in and between the North and the South.

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