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Law and Development

Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric via pxhere (CCO 1.0)

The field of Law and Development studies positions itself at a highly interesting, yet academically challenging juncture: What is the relationship between law and social and economic development? For most scholars of Law and Development, this question itself tends to raise more questions than answers: What conceptions of law are we actually talking about? And should the notion of ‘development’ be critically re-appropriated beyond modernized ideals of economic growth? Or can there be a minimum core definition in order to create a general theory for the field, which it has been lacking ever since David Trubek and Marc Galanter set its foundations?

At the international conference on ‘Law and Development: Theory and Practice’, co-organized by the Law and Development Institute, the Chair for Public and Comparative Law at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Prof. Philipp Dann), and De Gruyter, scholars and practitioners from the Global North and South tried to approach these questions.

This symposium will include four contributions: Wouter Vandenhole will argue for heterodoxy beyond the notion of different ‘moments’ in Law and Development scholarship. Elizabeth Bakibinga-Gaswaga will address possibilities to ensure the effectiveness of rule of law programs from the perspective of a practitioner. Florian Hoffmann analyzes the recent turn to accountability-oriented governance within development cooperation, and Celine Tan will review and assess the contributions and limitations of Law and Development scholarship in relation to the constitution of the international economy and global economic governance.

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