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Jean Monnet Saar

Our team invites interested persons to contribute scholarly articles in English or German to our blog Jean Monnet Saar (https://jean-monnet-

Jean Monnet Saar is an academic blog run for over ten years by Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich, LL.M. (Univ. of Virginia), Director of the Europa-Institut and Professor of European Law, International Law and Public Law, and his team at Saarland University. The Blog actively contributes to the open access transformation of academic publishing in order to make European law and developments in European integration accessible to the general public.

Publication Formats

Saar Briefs: Saar Briefs are concise science-based analyses of current topics of European integration and EU law as well as international law and national law with a European focus. Submissions should not exceed 4,000 words.

Saar Blueprints: Saar Blueprints are an e-paper-series for young academics who analyse and comment on those topics. The length of a contribution should range between 4,000 and 6,000 words.

Saar Expert Papers: Saar Expert Papers are a collection of academic analyses on those topics written by specialists and addressed to the general public in electronic form. The length of a contribution should range between 4,000 and 10,000 words.

Please direct any queries or send your submissions to We look forward to your contributions that will enrich our legal discourse on European topics.

Organisation: Europa Institut (Universität des Saarlandes)
Deadline: No deadline, rolling basis
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