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Blog Writing Series on International Humanitarian Law

About the University

Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act, (Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006). The University has been ranked among the top 10 law schools in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) and has been providing undergraduate and post-graduate legal education since then. It is considered one of the best national law schools in India built on the five-year law degree model proposed and implemented by the Bar Council of India.

About the Centre

The Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law (CASH) is an esteemed research Centre of the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, which is dedicated to research in the field of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It aims to ensure creating awareness and interest among the students and promoting teaching and research in the area of IHL. The Centre aims to update the community with the latest developments in this sector via its blog posts, certificate courses, newsletters, and interviews of experts on contemporary developments in the field of International Humanitarian Law.

About the Blog

The CASH Blog is a student-run space that welcomes original and novel contributions in the field of International Humanitarian Law on a rolling basis. It aims to promote and further dialogue amongst various actors and stakeholders in the field of humanitarian laws and is a forum that provides timely, relevant, well-researched and well- edited articles.

We are inviting contemporary and relevant pieces that contribute to current literature however, the editorial board is equally eager to consider the pieces which revisit important issues which may have gone dormant, if they provide a unique and novel perspective or have renewed scope for discussion.


The submissions have no thematic restraints, but the submission must conform to the issues related to Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflicts. Priority, however, shall be provided to listed Themes:

  1. Exploring the concept and aspects of Climate Refugees under Refugee Laws
  2. Gender-critical approach to crimes against refugees and climate-refugees
  3. Cyberwars and the New-Age IHL
  4. Cultural Genocides and occupation of territories
  5. Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts and Wars — a gender-critical approach
  6. Right to Health and Fundamental Rights of non-combatants in armed-conflicts

Please find further information such as submission and formatting guidelines in the call here.

Organisation: Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab
Deadline: Rolling submission, no deadline
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