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Call for participants: Experimental study in international law


We would like to ask you to participate in a study combining international law and experimental philosophy. The study will ask for your views on four different, international law-related scenarios. It is entirely in English. Participation will  take about 10 minutes of your time. As response times matter, it would be important to provide your answers “in one go”. We are aware that your time is very precious and therefore would like to express our sincere gratitude, should you decide to participate. Also, should you be aware of any colleagues in international law (practitioners or academics) who could be interested and willing to participate, we would be very grateful if you could forward this message to them as well. The more participants we have, the more solid our results will be. Should you be interested in these results, please do not hesitate to let us know. We would be happy to provide updates on the progress of our study.

You can participate in the study using this link. Please be aware that there are some preliminary steps before the study starts (agreement to the study’s terms and conditions, attention check etc.). Again, our sincerest gratitude for your willingness to support our research with your time and effort!

Izabela Skoczen
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Benedikt Pirker
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