- Media
- Völkerrechtspodcast
#39 Targeted Killings: Von Tiergarten bis Teheran
Erik Tuchtfeld
Isabel Lischewski
Daniela Rau
In den letzten Monaten häufen sich Berichten von targeted killings hochrangiger militärischer und politischer Führungspersonen außerhalb unmittelbarer Kampfgebiete, wie die Tötung von Fuad Schukr, einem Hisbollah-Kommandeur, in Beirut oder...
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- Symposium
- Digital Echoes: Listening to New Normativities in International Law and Technology
Introducing Digital Echoes
Delphine Dogot
Andrea Leiter
Anna Sophia Tiedeke
Noah Boerhave
Daniela Rau
The first season of “Digital Echoes” brings together leading scholars in international law, international relations and legal theory to present their work and discuss the implications of an ever-increasing digitisation...
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Editorial #34: The Audacity of #HÖpe
Isabel Lischewski
Daniela Rau
On the grand scale of humanity, a good thing you could say about 2023 is that it is over – if only that meant that there were realistic hopes of...
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Editorial #24: Blogging, Fast and Slow
Isabel Lischewski
Daniela Rau
Time flies when you’re having fun – and also, it would seem, when you’re watching world events unfold on your device screen, struggling to keep up with the break-neck speed...
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Editorial #13: Beyond the Written Word
Raffaela Kunz
Daniela Rau
It is this time of the year again – as always in the past years, we would like to begin the new year on Völkerrechtsblog looking back on the previous...
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