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TwoLaW – Lecture Series on the Laws of War with Eliana Cusato

International Law, Nature, and Violence: Conceptualizing the Ecology of War and Peace

18:00 -19:00 Uhr
On January 9, 2025, from 6-7 pm CET, Eliana Cusato (Amsterdam Law School) will give the next lecture of the TwoLaw – Lecture Series on the Laws of War. The topic is: “International law, nature and violence: Conceptualizing the ecology of war and peace” and the lecture will unpack the changing ideas of nature in rules of governing war and the transition to peace. Please send an email to: to register. The Zoom link and login data will be sent to those registered ahead of the event.
Universität Tübingen, Jochen von Bernstorff and Andreas Kulick
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