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Arms Control and Emerging Disruptive Technologies


Over the last half century, states gradually developed an effective system of agreements, organisations and processes to regulate chemical, biological, nuclear and certain conventional weapons. Yet many of these existing arms control regimes are ill-equipped to deal with emerging disruptive technologies. Lectures on key issues are followed by a roundtable discussion on participant research, guided by Asser Institute researchers.

Participation in the workshop is extended to approximately 10 doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers who are currently conducting research in arms control, whether from legal, historical, political or theoretical perspectives. Please email Thea Coventry ( to apply for the event by Monday 16 June 2023, including your position, university affiliation and area of research.

Click here for more info.

T.M.C. Asser Instituut
R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22
2517 JN The Hague Netherlands
Asser Institute Centre for International & European Law
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