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Jindal Forum for Space Law

About JFSL

The Jindal Forum for Space Law envisages to foster an interest in space law, along with alumni, faculty and professionals in space law and related fields. We wish to generate discourse and awareness about Space Law issues at both the national and international level. Our aim is to create a space for students to create and publish content in the field of space law. As an initiative in an esteemed Indian University, we wish to contribute to the academic discourse on Indian Space law, considering the competitive environment for all space faring nations. Additionally, we aim to contribute to creating a national space policy and increase discussions around private investment and participation in space exploration.

The link to our blog is available here.

Call for Submissions

We are inviting submissions on any subject matter related to and limited to Outer Space Law on a rolling basis.  For further details, please refer to the submission guidelines here.

For regular updates, follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please feel free to email us at ‘‘.

Organisation: Jindal Forum for Space Law
Deadline: No deadline (rolling basis)
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