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Dutch Practice in International Law – NYIL

Call for Papers

Dutch Practice in International Law’ Section
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law Volume 55 (2024)
Volume Editors: Lianne Boer, Daniëlla Dam-de Jong, Carl Lewis

The Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (NYIL) is inviting submissions for its ‘Dutch Practice in International Law’ section in Volume 55. The ‘Dutch Practice in International Law’ section is a recurring feature of the NYIL that is independent from the Yearbook’s general theme. This section looks to provide academic reflections and commentaries on contemporary and salient developments in the practice of international law in The Netherlands, highlighting key cases and evolving legal doctrines that have emerged from Dutch practice. The current call for papers invites contributions that put forward discussions on matters of international law that concern Dutch practice, particularly in 2024.

For instance, submitted abstracts may consider reflecting on the following, from a non- exhaustive list:

  • How recent developments in climate litigation, such as Greenpeace’s case against the Dutch State, may shape the Netherlands’ position regarding state responsibility in the context of global environmental challenges.
  • How the reversal of the Shell case in Dutch courts may impact the evolving standards of corporate accountability in international law, particularly concerning multinational corporations’ obligations under international environmental law and human rights law.
  • The engagement of Dutch courts with questions surrounding state responsibility and complicity, as raised by the Netherlands’ involvement in the exports of F-35 parts to Israel.
  • How the Netherlands sought to translate its national interests into European decisions through negotiations and interventions, shaping EU legislation that directly affects international and national law.

Lianne Boer, Daniëlla Dam-de Jong and Carl Lewis, the editors of Volume 55 of the NYIL, are pleased to invite submissions for this section of the volume, with the aim for it to be published in February of 2026. Authors are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 400 words by 28 February 2025. All emails and files should be sent to

Authors invited to submit a full draft paper will be invited to submit a draft of between 5,000-7,000 words, including footnotes. Kindly note that invitation to submit a draft paper does not guarantee selection for publication. All submitted drafts will undergo a double-blind peer review process and a final decision will be made upon the recommendation of the reviewers. Authors may feel free to contact the volume editors in case they need further information, or if they want to check whether their paper idea fits with this call for papers. All abstracts and drafts must be submitted in Word (.docx) format and must conform to our style guidelines. For any further information about the process, please email:

Organisation: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
Deadline: 28/02/2025
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