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Call for Paper – GoJIL’s Student Essay Competition 2025

The Goettingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL) is dedicating its 12th Student Essay Competition to the topic “The UN Mechanisms in Times of Global Crisis”.

GoJIL is a student-led academic law journal focused on International Law. We seek to foster debate among scholars and students of International Law as well as neighboring fields. The journal is committed to the highest scientific standards, including a double-blind-peer-review and open access publication, to ensure free and qualitative research. Our Essay Competition is open to students (including early doctoral students). For graduated scholars and professors, we offer an open call for papers.

The winning submission will be published in an upcoming issue of GoJIL along with articles of renowned scholars of international law. Further details and information on submission can be found here:

Organisation: Goettingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL)
Deadline: 28/02/2025
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